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Monday, February 3, 2025

FAO Full Form

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FAO Full Form: What Does FAO Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of FAO is? Then, here you will come to know what Does FAO stand for? Also all possible Full Form of FAO.

FAO Full Form

The term FAO has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

FAO Full Form is – Food and Agriculture Organization

FAO is one of the Agency’s most important partners. The Joint FAO / IAEA Center for Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture has been in operation since 1964, under the joint direction of their two organizations. Organizations within the Center carry out mathematical functions, seek shared goals, collaborate on program development, provide funding, and coordinate direction.

The main goals of the Food and Agriculture Organization of That the United Nations will be to boost the quality of living and nutrition standards Of individuals, to ensure greater efficiency in the production and supply of All agricultural products, to enhance the situation of the rural population and Thereby contribute to the development of the world market and cleared humanity of hunger And malnutrition.

FAO is one of the closest partners of the Agency. Since 1964, the Joint FAO / IAEA Center for Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture has been operating under the joint leadership of the two organizations. Within the Center, organizations perform complementary functions, pursue common goals, develop programs, provide funding, and coordinate management.

The main goals of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations are to improve the quality of nutrition and living standards of people, to ensure increased efficiency in the production and distribution of all agricultural products, to improve the situation of the rural population, and thereby contribute to the growth of the world economy and rid humanity of hunger and malnutrition.

FAO is the central UN center for agricultural, food, and water statistics, and statistics on water resources, land use, fisheries, and forestry. Within the Organization’s Economic and Social Department, the Statistics Division has been established, which collects, analyzes, and disseminates statistics on world food and agriculture and prepares annual estimates of food supply in countries. The statistics department works closely with member countries to improve the coverage and quality of data and contributes to improving food and agriculture statistics at the national level.

The leading information resource of FAO is the FAOSTAT Database, for the formation of which the FAO Statistical Division distributes in countries complex questionnaires on crop and livestock production, prices for these products, and land use, irrigation, and fertilizers. FAOSTAT has provided access to over 3 million time-series and cross-sectoral data related to food and agriculture since 1990. It contains statistical information for 200 countries and over 200 primary goods and parameters.

In addition to FOASTAT, there are several voluminous FAO databases, in particular, AQUASTAT (for water resources), FISHSTAT (for the fishing industry), FORRIS (for forestry), TERRASTAT (for land use). The leading statistical publications of FAO are the Statistical Yearbook, the Bulletin of Statistics, and thematic issues in individual areas of agricultural statistics.

FAO is actively involved in international statistical life, holding regular international forums on agricultural statistics and contributing to developing recommendations on specialized areas of statistics. FAO’s flagship publication on statistical methodology is the World Program for the Census of Agriculture, which is a set of guidelines for organizing, conducting, and disseminating the results of agricultural censuses. FAO also issues recommendations on accounting food and agriculture statistics in national accounts and sample methods of agricultural surveys.

IUCN Full Form

What is FAO Full Form in Medical?

Sjogren-Larsson syndrome

What Does FAO Stand For?

FAO stands for – Food and Agriculture Organization

What is Full Forms of FAO

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term FAO.

Sr. No.TermCategoryFAO Full Form
1FAOPharmaceuticalFood and AgriCivilization Organization
2FAOBiochemistryFA Oxidation
3FAOUniversityFaculty Affairs Office
5FAOAirlineFalcon Air Express
6FAOCommunityFamily Advocacy Officer
9FAOCareFamily Assistance Office
10FAOCommunityFamily Assistance Order
11FAOOtolaryngologyFar-Advanced Otosclerosis
12FAOAirport CodeFaro Airport
13FAOLanguage CodesFaroese
14FAOFashion & BeautyFashion Art Objects
15FAOMedicalFatty Acid Oxidation
16FAOPhysiologyFatty Acid Oxidative
17FAOBiochemistryFatty Acyl-CoA Oxidase
18FAOPoliticsFederal Approving Officer
19FAOUncategorizedField Artillery Officer
20FAOInternet – ChatFin Addicts Online
21FAOMilitaryFinance & Accounting Officer
22FAOArmyFinance and Accounting Officer
23FAOAccountingFinance and Accounting Outsourcing
24FAOLocal StatesFinancial Accountability Office
25FAOFinanceFinancial Aid Office
26FAOTechnologyFinancial Aid Officer
27FAOUncategorizedFind Another Owner
28FAOProductsFinish All Over
29FAOUncategorizedFire Apparatus Operator
30FAORespiratoryFixed Airflow Obstruction
31FAOEducationalFlatland Atmospheric Observatory
34FAOAerodynamicsFlight Activities Officer
35FAOChemistryFloating Atomic Orbital
36FAOPoliticsFood & Agricultural Organization
37FAONourishmentFood AgriCivilization Organization
38FAONationFood Agricultural Organization
39FAOLocal StatesFood and AgriCivilization Office
40FAOCountryFood and AgriCivilization Organization
41FAOAgricultureFood and Agricultural Organisation
42FAOUncategorizedFoot Ankle Orthopaedics
43FAOAccountingFor Account Of
44FAOUncategorizedFor All Others
45FAOUSFor Americans Only
46FAOUncategorizedFor And Our
47FAOTextingFor Attention Of
48FAOInformation TechnologyFor Attention Of ….
49FAOUncategorizedFor the Account Of
50FAOUncategorizedFor the Attention Of
51FAOAutomotiveFord Automotive Operations
52FAOArmyForeign Area Officer
53FAOInformation TechnologyFormatted Ascii Output
54FAOArmyForward Air Observer
55FAOWarForward Area Officer
56FAOFoundationsFoundation for Appalachian Ohio
57FAOUncategorizedFrederick August Otto
58FAOBusinessFrequently Asked Questions
59FAOUncategorizedFrom and Observer
60FAOChemistryFrozen Atomic Orbital
61FAOFunnyFun And Overpriced


What is the Meaning of FAO?

FAO Means – Food and Agriculture Organization

What is FAO Full Form in email?

For the Attention Of

What is FAO Full Form in Law?

First Appeal Order

Final Words: I hope you get what you want to know about FAO. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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