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PDA Full Form

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PDA Full Form: What Does PDA Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of PDA is? Then, here you will come to know what Does PDA stand for? Also all possible Full Form of PDA.

PDA Full Form

The term PDA has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

PDA Full Form is – Personal Digital Assistant

A PDA (Personal Digital Assistant), also known as a pocket computer, can help us complete work, study, entertainment, etc., on a mobile phone. Depending on its use, it can be divided into industrial-level PDA and PDA for consumer products.

Industrial PDA is mainly used in the industrial sector. The most common is a barcode scanner, an RFID reader, a POS machine, etc. Consumer PDA includes others, such as smartphones, tablets, portable slot machines, etc.

PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) is a digital tool for helping with personal work. It mainly provides the functions of taking notes, addresses the book, exchanging business cards, and organizing the route.

In the last couple of years, a handheld computer, or personal digital assistant (PDA), has turned into a reliable desktop “staff” satellite. With a personal computer’s pocket companion, you don’t have to think whether you’ll need a computer today or not. It is enough to synchronize the data between the pocket and desktop computers (via a serial or USB port) and with a calm conscience to go on the road. However, it is necessary to abandon the common illusions immediately: the laptops do not have traditional operating systems of the class Windows 98, Windows Me, or Windows 2000. Therefore, you will have to work (with rare exceptions) with unusual file formats and applications. But there is also a “barrel of honey” – created on a pocket computer text notes, tables, schedules, contacts, and multimedia files can be transferred to a personal computer, and vice versa – through the mechanism of synchronization with conversion into a proper format “on the fly.”

What Does PDA Stand For?

PDA stands for – Personal Digital Assistant

A personal digital assistant (PDA) is a device that sits in the palm of your hand that allows you to gather information such as addresses, events, reports, and services.

When discussing the Apple Newton at CES on January 7, 1992, John Scully used the word PDA for the first time. Thanks to the popularity and achievements in smartphones, PDA is rarely found and used when users switch to smartphones such as the iPhone.

What Does PDA Stand For in Relationship?

Public Displays of Affection

PFMS Full Form

What is Full Forms of PDA

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term PDA.

Sr. No.TermCategoryPDA Full Form
1PDATechnologyPersonal Digital Assistant
2PDAAirport CodeObando Airport
3PDACultivationPA Department of AgriCivilization
5PDASwimmingPacific Decadal Oscillation
6PDAPaintingPainting and Decorating Association
9PDAMedicalPancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
10PDAMedicalPanic Disorder with Agoraphobia
11PDAAuditingPanther Degree Audit
12PDAMedicalParenteral Drug Abuser
13PDAMedicalParenteral Drug Abusers
14PDAMedicalParenteral Drug Association
15PDAArmyPart Design Approval
16PDAOccupation & PositionsParticipatory Development Appraisal
17PDAArmyParticularly Difficult Asset
18PDACardiologyPatent Arterial Duct
19PDAMedicalPatent Ductus Arteriosis
20PDAAutismPathological Demand Avoidance
21PDAHealthPatient Decision Aid
22PDAEducationPatron Driven Acquisition
23PDATechnologyPayload Disconnect Assembly
24PDATechnologyPenalized Discriminant Analysis
25PDAProfessional OrganizationsPennsylvania Dental Association
26PDAUnited StatesPennsylvania Department on Aging
27PDAAlcoholPercent Days Abstinent
28PDATechnologyPercent Defective Allowable
29PDAAerospacePerformance Degradation Allowance
30PDAJuridicalPermanent Disability Advances
31PDAPharmaceuticalPermanente Dental Associates
34PDATechnologyPersonal Data Assistant
35PDAManagementPersonal Development Activity
36PDAConsultingPersonal Development Association
37PDAComputingPersonal Device Assistant
38PDAUncategorizedPersonal Digital Archiving
39PDALocal – CountriesPersonal Digital Assistance
40PDATechnologyPersonal Digital Assistant
41PDAPharmaceuticalPersonal Disease Agents
42PDAConstructionPersonal Display Affection
43PDAWritingPersonal display affection
44PDAFunnyPersonal Distraction Assistant
45PDAScience FictionPersonal Droid Assistant
46PDAGovernmentalPeshawar Development Authority
47PDAAnemometryPhase Doppler Anemometry
48PDAProfessional OrganizationsPhilippine Dental Association
49PDAPharmaceuticalPhoto Diode Array
50PDAMedicalPhotodiode Array Detector
51PDAMedicalPhotometric Dispersion Analyzer
52PDAPharmaceuticalPhysical Demands Analysis
53PDAUncategorizedPitch Detection Algorithm
54PDAUncategorizedPitman Daily Announcements
55PDAAthleticsPlayers Development Academy
56PDAFunnyPocket Doodling Appendix
57PDAMedicalPoorly Differentiated Adenocarcinoma
58PDATechnologyPortable Digital Assistant
59PDAPharmaceuticalPosterior Descending Artery
60PDADevelopmentPotash Development Association
61PDACultivationPotato Dextrose Agar
62PDASpace TechnologyPower Distribution Assembly
63PDALegislationPregnancy Disability Act
64PDALegislationPregnancy Discrimination Act
65PDAArmyPreliminary Damage Assessment
66PDASpace TechnologyPreliminary Design Audit
67PDAPoliticsPresbyterian Disaster Assistance
68PDAFDA AdministrationPrescription Drug Advertising
69PDADevelopmentPreservation Development Authority
70PDAToastmastersPresident’s Distinguished Area
71PDACompanies or OrganizationsPress Digital Australia
72PDAOilPressure Differential Alarm
73PDAFunnyPretty Damn Awful
74PDAAccountingPretty Darn Affordable
75PDAFunnyPretty Darn Aggravating
76PDAInternet – ChatPretty Darn Annoying
77PDAInternet – ChatPretty Darn Awesome
78PDAHousing & AmenitiesPretty Darned Affordable
79PDAPolice ForcePretty Darned Aggressive
80PDANormal BusinessPretty Darned Amazing
81PDALocal – GhanaPreventive Detention Act
82PDAFunnyPrice Drops Afterwards
83PDAOccupation & PositionsPrimary Data Assistant
84PDAInformation TechnologyPrimary Digital Asset
85PDAInformation TechnologyPrint Shop Bitmap Graphics
86PDAEducationalPrinted Disc Antenna
87PDABusinessPriority Development Area
88PDAAmazonProduct Display Ads
89PDAUncategorizedProduction Design Associates
91PDADevelopmentProfessional Development Alternatives
92PDADentistryProfessional Development Award
93PDAAwardProfessional Development Awards
94PDAInformation TechnologyProfessional Diary Accessory
95PDAFunnyProfessional Dork Association
96PDAPoliticsProgressive Democrats of America
97PDASpace TechnologyPropellant Drain Area
98PDAPoliceProperty Damage Accident
99PDADevelopmentProperty Development Analysis
100PDAInformation TechnologyProtocol Decode Architecture
101PDAFunnyPublic Display of Accessories
102PDAChatPublic Display Of Affection
103PDAFunnyPublic Disturbance Agency

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about PDA. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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