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ADR Full Form

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ADR Full Form: What Does ADR Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of ADR is? Then, here you will come to know what Does ADR stand for? Also all possible Full Form of ADR.

ADR Full Form

The term ADR has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

ADR Full Form is – Alternative Dispute Resolution

Many entrepreneurs have heard more than once about alternative dispute resolution, which is widely used in Western countries and is offered by foreign partners when concluding contracts. Some already have experience in this area. At the same time, this new institution for our society is, on the one hand, of great interest, and on the other, certain doubts about its effectiveness and necessity. To avoid any doubts, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the nuances of an alternative method for resolving commercial disputes.

What is Alternative Dispute Resolution

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is a mediation and conciliation procedure that is an amicable way of resolving disputes with the assistance of a neutral third party. Mediation / conciliation is theoretically a cheap and quick form of dispute resolution, but, unlike arbitration, it is not binding and the parties have the right to ignore the mediator’s decision. As a general rule, the parties are not required to participate in ADR proceedings unless they agree otherwise, so they can simply opt out of mediation / conciliation if the ADR does not suit them.

Whether an ADR is successful depends on factors such as the commitment of both parties to amicable resolution, as well as the personal skills and willingness of the mediator / conciliator to help. In most legal systems, an agreement reached by contacting a mediator / conciliator is in the nature of a contract, not a judgment.

What is ADR Full Form in Medical

Adverse Drug Reaction

What is ADR Full Form in Law

Alternative Dispute Resolution

What Does ADR Stand For?

ADR stands for – Alternative Dispute Resolution

The acronym “ADR” traditionally stands for “Alternative Dispute Resolution” and refers to a diverse category of methods and procedures that allow for quick and successful resolution of disputes.

The “alternative” feature will reveal the difference between these methods and procedures compared to those traditionally used in ordinary court.

ADR methods, like going to a judge, are an expression of the so-called “triangulation” of a conflict, in which the parties to a dispute turn to a third neutral person who helps them achieve an agreed result. However, unlike judges, these third neutral persons are private persons, since the procedure is also private; this promotes great flexibility and adaptability.

Basically, ADR methods correspond to two models:

• The “awarding” model, in which a neutral third party gives its assessment of the situation and makes a decision that is binding on the parties (as in arbitration) or optional (as in examination, the establishment of disputes – in fact or legally – or in evaluative mediation);

• “Negotiation” model, (like conciliation and various forms of simulation of the court), in which a neutral person plays a more active role, facilitating negotiations between parties to the conflict.

ADR methods are becoming more and more popular not only among stakeholders (because of the benefits they bring in terms of time and cost savings), but also in public administration, because of the reduced judicial burden.

What is Full Forms of ADR

Now, below is the list of All Full Form of ADR.

Sr. No.TermCategoryADR Full Form
1ADRPharmaceuticalAccess and Disability Resources
2ADRAircraft & AviationAccident Data Recorder
3ADRAccountingAccounting Department Revenue
5ADRTechnologyAccumulated Delta Range
6ADRPharmaceuticalAcid-Detergent Residue
8ADRPharmaceuticalAcquired Drug Resistance
9ADRUncategorizedAction Domain Responder
10ADRRetirementActual Deferral Ratio
11ADRPharmaceuticalAcute Drug Reaction
12ADRUncategorizedADAP Data Report
13ADRUncategorizedAdderall Disco Robots
14ADRMedicalAdditional Development Request
15ADREducationalAdditional Dialog Recording
16ADRMedia CenterAdditional Dialogue Recording
17ADRMedia CenterAdditional Dialogue Replacement
18ADRInternet – ChatAddress
19ADRMedicalAdenoma Detection Rate
20ADRCosmosAdiabatic Demagnetisation Refrigerator
21ADRComputer SecurityAdjudicative Desk Reference
22ADRNormal BusinessAdministrative Dispute Resolution
23ADRGovernmentalAdoption Disclosure Registry
25ADRMedicalAdrenergic Receptor
27ADRRestaurantsAdvance Dining Reservation
28ADREducationalAdvanced Device Research
29ADREducationalAdvanced Digital Recorder
30ADRInformation TechnologyAdvanced Digital Recording
31ADRUncategorizedAdvanced Dining Reservation
34ADRPharmaceuticalAdverse Drug Reaction
35ADRPharmaceuticalAdverse Drug Reactions
36ADRFDA AdministrationAdverse Drug Report
37ADRMedicalAdverse Reactions
38ADRAircraft & AviationAdvisory Route
39ADRGeographyAerial Data Reduction Associates Inc.
40ADRScience FictionAgent D Reaper
41ADRVeterinaryAin’t Doing Right
42ADRAircraft & AviationAir Data Reference
43ADRAir ForceAircraft Damage Repair
44ADRPharmaceuticalAirway Dilation Reflex
45ADREducationalAll Day Rain
46ADRLocal – CountriesAll Due Respect
47ADRCompanies or OrganizationsAlternate Decisions Or Resolutions
48ADRHRAlternate Dispute Resolution
49ADRJuridicalAlternative Dispute Resolution
50ADRLocal StatesAlternative Dispute Resolution (Mediation)
51ADRPharmaceuticalAlzheimer?s disease research
52ADRUncategorizedAmerican Deposit Receipts
53ADRStock ExchangeAmerican Depositary Receipt
54ADRUncategorizedAmerican Drag Racer
55ADRJuridicalAmicable Dispute Resolution
57ADRPharmaceuticalAnimal Drug Request
58ADRVoluntary OrganizationAnnual District Report
59ADRStock ExchangeAnnual Dividend Ratio
60ADRFunnyAnother Dented Rim
61ADRFunnyAnother Driver Retires
62ADRInternet – ChatAny Day Really
63ADREducationalAperture Direct Readout
64ADRTechnologyAperture Direct Readout
65ADROilAppropriate Dispute Resolution
66ADREducationalArchitectural Decision Records
67ADREducationalArchitectural Design Resource
68ADRCosmosArchitectural Design Review
69ADREducationalArchitecture Decision Record
70ADRArmyArmament Delivery Recording
71ADRLocalArmy of Divine Rights
72ADRChurchArmy of Divine Rights
73ADRPharmaceuticalArtificial Disc Replacement
74ADRAccountingAsset Depreciation Range
75ADRBusinessAsset Depreciation Range
76ADRFDA AdministrationAssociate Director for Research
77ADREducationalAsymmetrical Double Rectangle
78ADREducationalAudio Dialog Replacement
79ADRMedia CenterAudio Dialogue Replacement
80ADREducationalAudio Digital Recording
81ADRBusinessAudit Discrepancy Report
82ADRInformation TechnologyAustralian Design Rules
83ADRJuridicalAustralian Device Regulatory
84ADRNormal BusinessAutomated Date Review
85ADRTransportationAutomated Demand Resolution
86ADRUncategorizedAutomated Dialog Replacement
87ADRMedia CenterAutomated Dialogue Replacement
88ADRArmyAutomatic Data Relay
89ADRUncategorizedAutomatic Delivery Rewards
91ADREducationalAutomatic Device Replacement
92ADREducationalAutomatic Dialog Recording
93ADRUncategorizedAutomatic Dialog Replacement
94ADRMedia CenterAutomatic Dialogue Replacement
95ADRTransportationAutomatic Driver Recognition
96ADRAccountingAverage Daily Rate
97ADRHotelAverage Daily Rate
98ADRTradingAverage Day Range
99ADRBusinessAverage Deferral Ratio
100ADRGovernmentInteragency Alternative Dispute Resolution Working Group
101ADRInformation TechnologyOpera Browser Bookmark – Extension

PSD Full Form

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about ADR. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than ADR? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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