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Monday, December 23, 2024

AIM Full Form

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AIM Full Form: What Does AIM Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of AIM is? Then, here you will come to know what Does AIM stand for? Also all possible Full Form of AIM.

AIM Full Form

The term AIM has many full forms, but out of which most relevant

AIM Full Form is – AOL Instant Messenger

AOL Instant Messenger was launched in 1997 and it was among the world’s most popular instant messaging clients. The free AIM applications let users send instant messages to anyone in their “Buddy List”

Social media integration, picture and file sharing, audio and video conversation, Buddy List themes/skins are among the few features of AIM. But AIM was discontinued on December 15, 2017.

AIM has been a chat service accessible from computers, cellular devices, and web browsers.  You can log in with your AOL accounts to speak with any of your contacts immediately.

Not merely did AIM support one-on-one conversations and category IMs, it also allow you to talk with your Google Talk friends, can connect to a social networking accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, Foursquare, and many others ) to demonstrate your feeds, transaction files, and location sharing.  

What Does AIM Stands For?

AIM stands for – AOL Instant Messenger

What is AIM Meaning

Meaning of AIM is –

  • To set Target
  • Intend to do something or get something done; To aim
  • To do something with the target of a person or class

What is Full Forms of AIM

Here is the complete Full-Form list of the term AIM.

Sr. No.TermCategoryAIM Full Form
1AIMLocalAbide In Me
3AIMLocal – AustralianAboriginal Islander Mob
4AIMMedicalAbridged Index Medicus
5AIMPharmaceuticalAbsolute Imprinting Mode
6AIMEducationalAcademic Improvement Methods
7AIMSchoolsAcademic Integrated Model
8AIMUncategorizedAcademics Integrity Marksmanship
9AIMAcademic & ScienceAcademy Introduction Mission
10AIMAcademic & ScienceAcademy Introductory Mission
11AIMUncategorizedAccelerated Implementation methodology
12AIMMedicalAccelerating Innovations in Medicine
13AIMUncategorizedAccelerative Integrated Methodology
14AIMUncategorizedAccept Inspire Minister
15AIMUncategorizedAcceptable Ideal and Middle
16AIMSocietyAccess for Infants and Mothers
17AIMNormal BusinessAccess to Information Management
18AIMEducationalAccessible Induction Model
19AIMUncategorizedAccessible Instructional Materials
20AIMAircraft & AviationAccident, Incident, Malfunction
21AIMUncategorizedAccountable Inspirational Motivational
22AIMMedia CenterAccuracy In Media
23AIMEducationalAccurate, Intentional, Measurable
24AIMProductsACES (Accurate Clear Epoxy Solid) Injection Mold
25AIMProductsACES Injection Molding
26AIMEducationalAchieve Infinitely More
27AIMEducationalAchieve, Inspire, and Motivate
28AIMUncategorizedAchievement In Montana
29AIMUncategorizedAchievement Innovation Mastery
30AIMUncategorizedAchievement Integrity and Maturity
31AIMEducationalAchievement Is Meaningful
32AIMNormal BusinessAchieving Improved Measurement
33AIMNormal BusinessAcquired Information Marketing
34AIMUncategorizedAct Information Manager
35AIMUncategorizedAct Intent And Motive
36AIMJuridicalAct, Intent, and Motive
37AIMUnited NationsAction and Investment to defeat Malaria
38AIMUncategorizedAction Inspiration Motivation
39AIMLocalAction International Ministries
40AIMEducationalAction, Inspiration, and Motivation
41AIMEducationalActivating Inquisitive Minds
42AIMEducationalActive Ingredient Manufacturer
43AIMNormal BusinessActive Innovative Marketing
44AIMUncategorizedActive Interest Media
45AIMUncategorizedActiviatin Inquisitive Minds
46AIMEducationalActivities In Montana
47AIMPharmaceuticalActivity Information Mapping
48AIMInformation TechnologyAdam Image Maker
49AIMUncategorizedAdapt Innovate And Mitigate
50AIMEducationalAdaptive Ion Milling
51AIMInformation TechnologyAddictive Instant Messenger
52AIMPharmaceuticalAddressing Inhalants and Methamphetamine
53AIMUncategorizedAddressing Inserting and Mailing
54AIMPharmaceuticalADHD Impact Module
55AIMJournalsAdolescents In Medicine
56AIMCompanies or OrganizationsAdult Industry Medical
57AIMArmyAdvance In Mission
58AIMUncategorizedAdvance Infrastructure Mitigation
59AIMUncategorizedAdvanced Idea Mechan
60AIMEducationalAdvanced Idea Mechanics
61AIMManagementAdvanced Illness Management
62AIMPharmaceuticalAdvanced Informatics in Medicine
63AIMEducationalAdvanced Integration Method
64AIMManagementAdvancement In Management
65AIMEducationalAdventures In Movement
66AIMPerforming ArtsAdventures In Movements
67AIMAdvertisingAdvertising Industry Mastermind
68AIMUncategorizedAdvise Inspire Mentor
69AIMAviationAeronautical Information Management
70AIMTransportationAeronautical Information Manual
71AIMNASA – SpaceAeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere
72AIMAMEX SymbolsAerosonic Corporation of Delaware
73AIMUncategorizedAffiliates In Motion
74AIMLocal – AfricanAfrica Inland Mission
75AIMVoluntary OrganizationAfrica Island Mission
76AIMCompanies or OrganizationsAg Industrial Manufacturing, Inc.
77AIMInternationalAgape International Missions
78AIMEducationalAgriCivilization Instructional Media
79AIMCultivationAgricultural Input Management
80AIMLocal StatesAid and Incentives for Municipalities
81AIMUncategorizedAid and Incentives to Municipalities
82AIMJuridicalAid to Inmate Mothers
83AIMLocal – Airport CodesAiluk Island, Marshall Islands
84AIMLondon Stock ExchangeAim Investments
85AIMUncategorizedAim Is A Mnemonic
86AIMAircraft & AviationAir Inlet Mixture
87AIMAir ForceAir Intercept Missile
88AIMAthleticsAirgun Information Maintenance
89AIMAir ForceAirman’s Information Manual
90AIMManufacturingAirplane Integration Meeting
91AIMAir ForceAir-to-Air missile
92AIMSocietyAlcohol In Moderation
93AIMEducationalAlice Interactive Mathematics
94AIMEducationalAll Inclusive Method
95AIMInternetAll Internet Mates
96AIMUncategorizedAllen Instant Messenger
97AIMManufacturingAlliance for Innovative Manufacturing
98AIMUncategorizedAlso Im Msn
99AIMUncategorizedAlternate Input Method
100AIMNormal BusinessAlternative Investment Market
101AIMFunnyAm I Mad
102AIMLocalAmbassadors In Missions
103AIMMiscellaneousAmbition In Mind
104AIMPharmaceuticalAmbulatory Infusion Manager
105AIMUncategorizedAmerica Instant Messanger
106AIMMarketingAmerican Image Marketing
107AIMManagementAmerican Imaging Management
108AIMLocalAmerican Impact Missionaries
109AIMVoluntary OrganizationAmerican Indian Movement
110AIMCompanies or OrganizationsAmerican Innerspring Manufacturers
111AIMEducationalAmerican Inst of Mathematics
112AIMInstitutesAmerican Institute for Manufacturing
113AIMEducationalAmerican Institute of Mathematics
114AIMLocal – CountriesAmerica’s Intercultural Magazine
115AIMUncategorizedAmputation Inspiration Motivation
116AIMVoluntary OrganizationAmputees In Motion
117AIMStock ExchangeAmsterdam Interprofessional Market
118AIMProductsAnalytical Information Manager
119AIMUncategorizedAnalytics Interoperability and Measurement
120AIMUncategorizedAnatomical Impairment Measurements
121AIMUncategorizedAnderson Interfaith Ministries
122AIMVoluntary OrganizationAngels In Motion
123AIMAthleticsAnglers Inshore Members
124AIMInformation TechnologyAnimation Interactive Media
125AIMPharmaceuticalAnnals of Internal Medicine
126AIMVoluntary OrganizationAnnual Institutional Membership
127AIMUncategorizedAnnual International Meeting
128AIMInvestmentsAnnual Investment Meeting
129AIMUncategorizedAnugerah Industri Mufizah
130AIMUncategorizedAOL Instant Messager
131AIMInternetAol Instant Messaging
132AIMInternet – ChatAol Instant Messege
133AIMUncategorizedAol Instant Messeging
134AIMInformation TechnologyAol Instant Messenger
135AIMMarketingApartment Innovation and Marketing
136AIMUncategorizedApple Ibm Motorola
137AIMCompanies or OrganizationsApple, IBM, and Motorola
138AIMInformation TechnologyApplication Intelligent Management
139AIMInformation TechnologyApplication Interface Mapping
140AIMManagementApplied Information Management
141AIMManagementApplied Interface Management
142AIMUncategorizedApply Integrate and Manage
143AIMNormal BusinessArchitect, Implement, and Manage
144AIMEducationalARH Integrated Media
145AIMInformation TechnologyArmies In Miniature
146AIMArmyArmor, Infantry, and Mechanized Infantry
147AIMPerforming ArtsArt In Motion
148AIMArtArtist in the Marketplace
149AIMArmyASAS Interface Module
150AIMManagementAsian Institute of Management
151AIMInternational BusinessAsian Internet Marketing
152AIMUncategorizedAspiration Impact Measurement
153AIMUncategorizedAspiration Inspiration And Motivation
154AIMUncategorizedAssess Improve and Measure
155AIMUncategorizedAssess Intervene Manage
156AIMEducationalAssessment In Mathematics
157AIMManagementAssessment Information And Management
158AIMArmyAssessment of Individual Motivation
159AIMUncategorizedAsset and Income Modeler
160AIMEducationalAsset Inspection Manual
161AIMMortgageAsset Integrated Mortgage
162AIMProfessional OrganizationsAssociated Industries of Massachusetts
163AIMProfessional OrganizationsAssociation for Automatic Identification and Mobility
164AIMInsuranceAssociation Insurance Management
165AIMEducationalAssociazione Italiana di Metallurgia
166AIMUncategorizedAsteroid Impact Mission
167AIMVoluntary OrganizationAsthma Initiative of Michigan
168AIMUncategorizedAthletes In Motion
169AIMLocalAthletes International Ministry
170AIMCompanies or OrganizationsAtlis Information Management
171AIMUncategorizedAttendance Intervention Meeting
172AIMNormal BusinessAttuned Internet Marketing
173AIMUncategorizedAudience Impression Metric
174AIMFunnyAussie Instant Messenger
175AIMEducationalAustralian Institute of Management
176AIMLocal – AustralianAustralian Institute of Ministry
177AIMLocal – AustralianAustralian Institute of Music
178AIMNormal BusinessAuto Injury Management
179AIMUncategorizedAutodidactic Intelligent Minors
180AIMNASA – SpaceAutomated Informed Maintenance
181AIMStock ExchangeAutomatic Investment Management
182AIMInternational BusinessAutomotive Import Market
183AIMUncategorizedAwareness Impact and Mastery
184AIMScience FictionAzeroth Instant Messenger
185AIMEducationalItalian Association of Metallurgy
186AIMInformation TechnologyNetscape AOL Instant Message launch file
187AIMInformation TechnologyThe Ultimate Draw Assembly Text Mode Image File

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about AIM. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than AIM? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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