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AVR Full Form

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AVR Full Form: What Does AVR Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of AVR is? Then, here you will come to know what Does AVR stand for? Also all possible Full Form of AVR.

AVR Full Form

The term AVR has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

AVR Full Form is – Alf and Vegard’s RISC processor

AVR a family of microcontrollers which is a 8-bit RISC single chip microcontroller and it is developed by Atmel corporation. Alf-Egil Bogen and Vegard Wollan developed the architecture of AVR and thus it got name from its developers Alf-Egil Bogen Vegard Wollan RISC microcontroller and it is also called as Advanced Virtual RISC.

AVR Microcontrollers Full Form

Alf and Vegard’s RISC processor

AVR Full Form in Medical

Aortic Valve Replacement

AVR Full Form in Electronics

Alf and Vegard’s RISC processor

AVR – Automatic Voltage Regulator

The automatic voltage regulator is a compact, encapsulated high performance unit.

The regulator provides DC excitation of the exciter inductor of a brushless generator to keep the voltage within limits near NO-LOAD operation to FULL LOAD operation in case of sudden charge is usually about 0.5 sec. to recover 98% of the nominal voltage.

Optimum performance can be obtained from the regulator by maintaining the full load excitation around 60 V DC The generator uses a true average detection circuit, a dV / dt limiter and special filter circuits to handle the loads NO LINEAR such as battery chargers, DC motors, etc.

What Does AVR Stand For?

AVR stands for – Audio/Video Receiver

All Full Forms of AVR

Now below is the list of All Full Form of AVR in verious categorize-

Sr. No.TermCategoryAVR Full Form
1AVRCanadaAboriginal Voices Radio
2AVRUncategorizedAccelerated Vehicle Retirement
3AVRPediatricAccelerated Ventricular Rhythm
4AVRCounsellingAccredited Voluntary Register
5AVRUncategorizedAccurate Visual Representation
6AVRChemistryAcidification Volatilization Reneutralization
7AVRMilitaryAcquisition Validation Report
8AVRAirline CodeActive Aero Charter
9AVRAirlineActive Aero Charter, Inc.
10AVRProductsActive Vibration Reduction
11AVRUncategorizedActive Voltage Regulation
12AVRUncategorizedActuarial Valuation Report
13AVRMedicalAcute Vascular Rejection
14AVRGeneticsAdenoviral Recombinants
15AVRTransportationAdvanced Vehicle Refinement
16AVRUncategorizedAdvanced Vehicle Research
17AVRFujitsuAdvanced Video Redirection
18AVRInformation TechnologyAdvanced Virtual Risc
19AVRUncategorizedAdvanced Virus Remover
20AVRDrivingAdvanced Vision Research
21AVRManualAdvanced Voice Recognition
22AVRUncategorizedAdvantage Virtual Resources
23AVRInternetAdvertiser Visit Ratio
24AVRMilitaryAircraft Rescue Vehicle
25AVRAircraft & AviationAirport Van Rental
26AVRCriminalAlcohol and Violence Reduction
27AVRLocal – RailwayAllegheny Valley Railroad
28AVROrganizationsAllegheny Valley Railroad Company
29AVRGeneratorAlternator Voltage Regulator
30AVRUncategorizedAmerican Voice Radio
31AVRMilitaryAmerican Volunteer Reserve
34AVRUncategorizedAmps Voltage and Resistance
35AVRUncategorizedAnalysis, Visualization and Reporting
36AVRMolecular BiologyAngiotensin-Vasopressin Receptor
37AVRMedia CenterAnnapolis Valley Radio
38AVRHealthantiviral regulator
39AVRGastroenterologyAntiviral Resistance
40AVRCardiologyAortic Valve
41AVRSurgeryAortic Valve Reconstruction
42AVRCardiologyAortic Valve Regurgitation
43AVRSurgeryAortic Valve Repair
44AVRPharmaceuticalAortic Valve Replacement
45AVRMedicalAortic Valve Replacment
46AVRCardiologyAortic Valve Resistance
47AVRCardiologyAortic Valve Surgery
48AVRCardiologyAortic VR
49AVROrthopaedicApical Vertebral Rotation
50AVRUncategorizedApplication Visibility and Reporting
51AVRUncategorizedApplication Visibility and Risk
52AVRUncategorizedApplication Visibility Reporting
53AVRUncategorizedArea Variation Ratio
54AVRDevelopmentArmed Violence Reduction
55AVRMilitaryArmoured Vehicle – Reconnaissance
56AVREfficiencyArmy Volunteer Reserve
57AVRUncategorizedAroostook Valley Railroad
58AVRUncategorizedArrow Value Recovery
59AVROpticsArteriole Venue Ratio
60AVROphthalmologyArtery and Vein diameter Ratio
61AVROphthalmologyArtery-Vein Ratio
62AVRUncategorizedArticle Video Robot
63AVRPhysiologyAscending Vasa Recta
64AVRTechnologyAssembly and Verification Review
65AVRBusinessAsset Valuation Reserve
66AVRBusinessAsset Valuation Review
67AVRUncategorizedAssiniboine Valley Railway
68AVROrthopaedicAssisted Ventilation Rating
69AVRProgramAssisted Voluntary Return
70AVRMigrationAssisted Voluntary Returns
71AVRUncategorizedAssociation of Vermont Recyclers
72AVRVietnamAssociation of Vietnam Retailers
73AVRUncategorizedAssociation Village Renaissance
74AVRTechnologyAsynchronous Validity Resolution
75AVRAthleticsAthletically Varying Reset
76AVRUncategorizedAtrial Valve Replacement
77AVRUncategorizedAudio and Video Recording
78AVRTechnologyAudio Video Receiver
79AVRUncategorizedAudio Video Replicator
80AVRUncategorizedAudio Video Resources
81AVRUncategorizedAudio Video Review
82AVRUncategorizedAudio Video Router
83AVRUncategorizedAudio Visual Receiver
84AVRUncategorizedAudio Visual Rental
85AVRTechnologyAudio Visual Research
86AVRUncategorizedAudio Visual Resources
87AVRUncategorizedAudio Visual Revolution
88AVRUncategorizedAudio Visual Room
89AVRElectronicsAudio-Video Receiver
91AVRSchoolAudio-Visual Room
92AVRConferenceAugmented and Virtual Reality
93AVRCardiologyAugmented Vector Right
94AVRUncategorizedAugmented Vector to Right
95AVRWarcraftAugmented Virtual Reality
96AVRLeadAugmented Voltage Right
97AVRLocal – AustralianAustralian Veterinary Reserve
98AVRLocal – AustralianAustralian Vital Records
99AVRUncategorizedAuto Voice Record
100AVRCameraAutomated Video Redaction
101AVRUncategorizedAutomated Voice Recognition
102AVRTechnologyAutomated Voice Response
103AVRMedicalAutomated Volt Right
104AVRUncategorizedAutomated Voltage Regulator
105AVRComputingAutomatic Voice Recognition
106AVRTechnologyAutomatic Voice Response
107AVRBusinessAutomatic Voltage Rectifier
108AVRTechnologyAutomatic Voltage Regulation
109AVRTechnologyAutomatic Voltage Regulator
110AVRTechnologyAutomatic Volume Recognition
111AVRVoterAutomatic Voter Registration
112AVRLondon Stock ExchangeAvarae
113AVRTransportationAverage Vehicle Ridership
114AVRUncategorizedAvid Video Resolution
115AVRToronto Stock ExchangeAvion Gold Corporation
116AVRGalaAvon Valley Railway
117AVRUncategorizedAxial Volcanic Ridge

CST Full Form

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about AVR. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than AVR? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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