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CAG Full Form

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CAG Full Form: What Does CAG Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of CAG is? Then, here you will come to know what Does CAG stand for? Also all possible Full Form of CAG.

CAG Full Form

The term CAG has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

CAG Full Form is – Comptroller and Auditor General

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India ‘Controller and Auditor General’ is commonly known as ‘CAG’.

The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of the country is a constitutional post. The job of the CAG is to scrutinize the government accounts and the money being spent by them. In fact, whatever money the government spends, the CAG investigates that expenditure in depth and finds out whether the money has been spent properly or not. It also examines the public accounts and contingency funds of both the central and state government.

In a democracy, those who have powers and responsibilities should be accountable for their actions. For this purpose, the constitution has provided for several institutional mechanisms such as judiciary, vigilance bodies and an independent apex audit body. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India and the Indian Accounts and Audit Department (IA&AD) constitute the apex audit body of India working under it. The Constitution of India has made the CAG the Auditor of the Nation.

There is a provision of ‘CAG’ in Article 148 of the Indian Constitution, which examines the income and expenditure of the departments of the Central and State Governments and the institutions controlled by them. This institution brings to light the cases of wastage of public money from time to time.

The important facts related to the CAG are as follows:

(1) The Comptroller and Auditor General is appointed by the President. But he can be removed from office only on the motion of both the Houses of Parliament and may be based on (i) proved misconduct or (ii) incapacity.

(2) His term of office shall be for 6 years from the date of joining the post, but if he attains the age of 65 years before then he retires.

(3) He cannot hold any post under the Government of India after retirement.

(4) The Comptroller and Auditor General is the custodian of public money.

(5) It audits that all expenditure incurred out of the Consolidated Fund of India and of every State and of each Union territory has been subject to law.

What is the Power of CAG?

A lot of power has been given to the CAG so that it can be done easily. These include the power to inspect any office or organization under his audit, the power to inquire into all transactions and to question the executive, the power to call for any record, paper, document from any audited entity, the extent of the audit and self- power to decide on form, etc.

What CAG Audits?

Organizations covered by the CAG audit include departments of all Union and State Governments, including Indian Railways, Defense and Posts and Telecommunications, as well as about 1,500 public commercial enterprises controlled by the Union and State Governments such as government companies and corporations. Huh. It is also responsible for the audit of about 400 non-commercial autonomous bodies and authorities controlled and owned by the Union and State Governments.

How to Remove CAG from his post?

In view of the work and powers of the CAG, the process of removing them i.e. removing them is also prescribed. To remove the CAG, only the procedure laid down in the Constitution will have to be followed. This is the same process as the removal of a Supreme Court judge.

What is CAG Full Form in Medical?

CAG Medical Full Form is – Coronary Artery Angiography

What Does CAG Stand For?

CAG stands for – Comptroller and Auditor General

COO Full Form

What is Full Forms of CAG?

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term CAG.

Sr. No.TermCategoryCAG Full Form
1CAGAirport CodeCagliari Elmas Airport
2CAGAirport CodesCagliari, Italy
3CAGAssociationsCalifornia Association For The Gifted
5CAGAutomotiveCambridge Automotive Group
6CAGHematologyCanadian Apheresis Group
9CAGPharmaceuticalCanadian Association of Gastroenterologists
10CAGGeographyCanadian Association Of Geographers
11CAGMedicalCanadian Association on Gerontology
12CAGToxicologyCancer Assessment Group
13CAGAutomotiveCapital Auto Group
14CAGAutomotiveCar Awards Group
15CAGPharmaceuticalCarcinogen Assessment Group
16CAGScienceCarcinogenic Assessment Group
17CAGAthleticsCarp Anglers Group
18CAGAdvisoryCarrier Advisory Group
19CAGMilitaryCarrier Air Group
20CAGUncategorizedCash Against Goods
21CAGPharmaceuticalCenter for Applied Genomics
22CAGUncategorizedCentral Arizona Governments
23CAGCeramic ProductionCeramic Artist Guild
24CAGNeurosurgeryCerebral Angiography
25CAGEducationCertified Allocation Guidelines
26CAGCertifications & DiplomasCertified Ambulance Group
27CAGTechnologyChairman’s Advisory Group
28CAGUncategorizedChallenging Action Game
29CAGInformation TechnologyChassis Air Guide
30CAGGamingCheap Ass Gamer
31CAGPolice ForceChief Constables Advisory Group
34CAGAirlineChina National Aviation Corporation
35CAGMedicalChronic Active Gastritis
36CAGPharmaceuticalChronic Atrophic Gastritis
37CAGLocal – CountriesChubby Asian Girls
38CAGParasitologyCirculating Antigen
39CAGInformation TechnologyCisco Access Gateway
40CAGUncategorizedCitizens Action Group
41CAGTechnologyCitizens Advisory Group
42CAGAssociationsCitizens Association of Georgetown
43CAGGovernmentalCitizens for Accountable Governance
44CAGCybersecurityCitrix Access Gateway
45CAGArtCity Art Gallery
46CAGCityCivic Action Group
47CAGGovernmentCivil Affairs Group
48CAGEducationalClimate At a Glance
49CAGPharmaceuticalClinical Academic Group
50CAGPharmaceuticalClinical Advisory Group
51CAGTechnologyClipArt Gallery
52CAGPsychiatryClosing the Achievement Gap
53CAGMilitaryClothing Advisory Group
54CAGUncategorizedCollectibles Authentication Guaranty
55CAGArmyCollective Address Group
56CAGEducationCollege of Agriculture
57CAGComputingColumn Address Generator
58CAGUncategorizedCombat Action Group
59CAGGroupCombat Applications Group
60CAGInformation TechnologyCombined Access Group
61CAGArmyCombined Action Group
62CAGUncategorizedCombined Arms Group
63CAGArmyCommander Air Group
64CAGArmyCommander, Amphibious Group
65CAGMilitaryCommander’s Action Group
66CAGUncategorizedCommunication Abilities Group
67CAGGuildsCommunication Arts Guild
68CAGUncategorizedCommunications in Analysis and Geometry
69CAGArmyCommunist Attack Group
70CAGOxfordshireCommunity Action Groups
71CAGAmericaCommunity Advisory Group
72CAGMeetingCommunity Advisory Groups
73CAGElectronicsCompetitive Analysis Group
74CAGBankingComptroller and Auditor General
75CAGIndiaComptroller Auditor General
76CAGAutomotiveComputer Aided Gearbox
77CAGInformation TechnologyComputer Aided Geometric
78CAGInformation TechnologyComputer Aided Governance
79CAGComputingComputer Aided Graphics
80CAGInformation TechnologyComputer Aided Graphology
81CAGInformation TechnologyComputer Applications Group
82CAGEducationalComputer Architecture Group
83CAGInformation TechnologyComputer Assisted Gaming
84CAGInformation TechnologyComputer Assisted Guidance
85CAGTechnologyComputer-Aided Graphics
86CAGAutomotiveComputerized Automatic Gearbox
87CAGArtCon Artist Games
88CAGGuildsConcert Artists Guild
89CAGMedicalConfidentiality Advisory Group
91CAGColorsCongo African Grey
92CAGAfricaCongo African Grey
93CAGEducationalConnected Acyclic Graph
94CAGAssociationsConnecticut Association for the Gifted
95CAGUncategorizedConstructive Area Geometry
96CAGAdvisoryConsultative Advisory Group
97CAGForumConsumer Action Group
98CAGAdvisoryConsumer Advisory Group
99CAGAutomotiveContinental Automotive Group
100CAGUncategorizedContradiction Agreement Game
101CAGNormal BusinessController and Auditor General
102CAGPharmaceuticalCore Antigen Group
103CAGInformation TechnologyCore Architecture Group
104CAGMedicalCoronary Angiography
105CAGMedicalCoronary Artery Graft
106CAGAdvisoryCorporate Advisory Group
107CAGAccountingCost Accounting Group
108CAGArmyCost Advisory Group
109CAGAccountingCost Ascertainment Group
110CAGUSPSCost Ascertainment Grouping
111CAGArmyCovert Assault Group
122CAGAdvisoryCrocodilian Advisory Group
123CAGNormal BusinessCurrent Annual Growth
124CAGPharmaceuticalCytosine, Adenine, and Guanine
125CAGSocietySociety Advisory Group


What is CAG Full Form in India?

Comptroller and Auditor General

What is CAG Meaning?

Meaning of CAG is – Comptroller and Auditor General

What Does CAG Stand For in the Navy?

In Navy CAG stands for – Commander, Air Group

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about CAG. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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