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Monday, December 23, 2024

GSP Full Form

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GSP Full Form: What Does GSP Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of GSP is? Then, here you will come to know what Does GSP stand for? Also all possible Full Form of GSP.

GSP Full Form

The term GSP has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

GSP Full Form is – Generalized System of Preferences

The principle for the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) was authorized during the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and constitutes a center awarded to countries that can be developing (beneficiary countries) by certain developed countries (Donor countries). It is not the effect of settlement: preferential therapy is non-reciprocal.

Adopted at the UNCTAD that is second meeting in New Delhi in 1968, the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) houses all preferential agreements granted by industrialized countries. The United States, the Russian Federation of Russia, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Switzerland, Turkey and the European Union) in ’09, there had been 11 preferential agreements that have been notified to the UNCTAD secretariat and were part of the GSP (Australia, Belarus, Canada granted these choices. Even though the GSP is a generalized system of preferences, it nevertheless enables for extraordinary measures favoring the least developed countries among the developing countries. Thus, nations can provide MFN tariffs to GATT Contracting Parties (and in French), GSP tariffs to a small grouping of developing countries and a GSP that is a special tariff to less-developed nations.

The United States GSP (Generalized System of Preferences) program is to direct and promote the growth in financial developing countries. Four thousand nine hundred goods from 132 countries that are beneficiary territories can be imported duty-free (tariff-free) into the United States. The program began in 1976 and ended up being authorized by the Trade Act of 1974 for a decade. The program has been renewed times that are several. It comes to an end on 31, 2009 December.

GSP Full Form in GST

GST Suvidha Provider

What Does GSP Stand For?

GSP stands for – Generalized System of Preferences

All Full Forms of GSP

Now, below is the list of All Full Form of GSP.

Sr. No.TermCategoryGSP Full Form
1GSPPharmacologyGalactose Single Point
2GSPUncategorizedGallery Server Pro
3GSPSurgeryGallstone Pancreatitis
4GSPMedicalGalvanic Skin Potential
5GSPSupplierGalvanized Steel Pipe
6GSPDesignGame and Simulation Programming
7GSPUncategorizedGame Server Price
8GSPHostingGame Server Provider
9GSPServerGame Service Provider
10GSPUncategorizedGame Star Power
11GSPMilitaryGaming Service Provider
12GSPUncategorizedGamma Sigma Phi
13GSPOphthalmologyGap-Surface Plasmon
14GSPUncategorizedGarden State Park
15GSPTransportationGarden State Parkway
16GSPUncategorizedGarden State Plaza
17GSPUncategorizedGardermoen Service Partner
18GSPIndiaGareebjan Samaj Party
19GSPUncategorizedGareth Stevens Publishing
20GSPAndroidGas Separation Plant
21GSPUncategorizedGas Supply Pressure
22GSPUncategorizedGateway Service Provider
23GSPTechnologyGateway Signalling Point
24GSPComputingGaze Shifting Path
25GSPUncategorizedGear-Driven Submersible Pumps
26GSPUncategorizedGee String Packet
27GSPPlanningGeek Squad Protection
28GSPUncategorizedGel Spun Polyethylene
29GSPPhotographyGelatin Silver Print
30GSPMedicalGel-Separated Platelets
31GSPUncategorizedGender Statistics Programme
34GSPUncategorizedGender Studies Program
35GSPUncategorizedGender Support Program
36GSPGeneticsGene Selection Programming
37GSPAmplificationGene Specific Primer
38GSPMonths AbbreviationsGenealogical Society of Pennsylvania
39GSPTradingGeneral Scheme of Preferences
40GSPUncategorizedGeneral Scholarship Programme
41GSPMedicalGeneral secretion pathway
42GSPMedicalGeneral Secretory Pathway
43GSPInternational BusinessGeneral Securities Principal
44GSPTechnologyGeneral Service Passing
45GSPUncategorizedGeneral Service Plan
46GSPTechnologyGeneral Service Program
47GSPNormal BusinessGeneral Simulation Program
48GSPTransportationGeneral Special Provision
49GSPUncategorizedGeneral Special Provisions
50GSPEnvironmental HealthGeneral Stress Paradigm
51GSPMilitaryGeneral Strike Plan
52GSPUniversityGeneral Study Program
53GSPUncategorizedGeneral Super Plating
54GSPUncategorizedGeneral Support Programme
55GSPArmGeneral Surgical Package
56GSPPharmaceuticalGeneral Surgical Pathology
57GSPGovernmentGeneral System of Preference
58GSPTechnologyGeneral System Practice
59GSPTradingGeneral Systems of Preference
60GSPTradingGeneralised Scheme of Preference
61GSPBusinessGeneralised System of Preferences
62GSPUncategorizedGeneralist Scholars Program
63GSPPreferenceGeneralize System of Preferences
64GSPBusinessgeneralized saddle point
65GSPTechnologyGeneralized Scalar Potential
66GSPUncategorizedGeneralized Screen Propagator
67GSPAuctionGeneralized Second Price
68GSPEducationalGeneralized Sequential Pattern
69GSPMedicalGeneralized Social Phobia
70GSPUncategorizedGeneralized Stokes Parameter
71GSPGarmentGeneralized System of Preference
72GSPInternational BusinessGeneralized System of Preferences
73GSPUncategorizedGeneralized System Preference
74GSPUncategorizedGeneric Serial Port
75GSPTechnologyGeneric Server Passer
76GSPUncategorizedGeneric Service Proxy
77GSPUncategorizedGeneric Software Platform
78GSPGenreGeneric Structure Potential
79GSPUncategorizedGeneric Switch Place
80GSPInformation TechnologyGeneric Switching Place
81GSPMolecular BiologyGene-Specific Primer
82GSPChinaGenetic Screening Processor
83GSPGeneticsGenome Sequencing Program
84GSPBiologyGenomic Science Program
85GSPSignalGenomic Signal Processing
86GSPUncategorizedGenuine Spare Parts
87GSPUncategorizedGenuine Steel Products
88GSPUncategorizedGeographic Science & Planning
89GSPUncategorizedGeographical Society of Philadelphia
91GSPScienceGeographical statistics program
92GSPEducationalGeological Society of the Philippines
93GSPGeodesyGeological Survey of Pakistan
94GSPInformation TechnologyGeometer’s Sketchpad Sketch file
95GSPScienceGeophysical Statistics Project
96GSPFamous & CelebsGeorge Saint Pierre
97GSPStudentGeorgetown Scholarship Program
98GSPEducationalGeorgia Scholar Program
99GSPEducationalGeorgia State Patrol
100GSPUncategorizedGeorgia State Prison
101GSPEngineeringGeotechnical Special Publication
102GSPDogGerman Pointer
103GSPDogGerman Shorthaired Pointer
104GSPInformation TechnologyGhetto Starcraft Players
105GSPEngineeringGlare Shield Panel
106GSPUncategorizedGlenwood Sewing Press
107GSPUncategorizedGlobal Service Plans
108GSPInformation TechnologyGlobal Service Provider
109GSPNASA – SpaceGlobal Service Providing
110GSPUncategorizedGlobal Shipping Programme
111GSPFoodGlobal Soil Partnership
112GSPUncategorizedGlobal Solutions Program
113GSPUncategorizedGlobal Standards Package
114GSPUncategorizedGlobal Startup Program
115GSPAcademic & ScienceGlobal Studies Programme
116GSPUncategorizedGlobal Summer Program
117GSPReportGlobal Support Program
118GSPSocietyGlory Soothes Power
119GSPUncategorizedGlory Sound Prep
120GSPEducationalGlue, Scissors, Paper
121GSPPharmacologyGlycosylated Serum Protein
122GSPUncategorizedGmail sponsored promotions
123GSPLocalGod’s Simple Plan
124GSPLocalGod’s Special People
125GSPProductsGold Standard Press
126GSPMedicalGold Standard Programme
127GSPEbayGold Sterling Plate
128GSPSeed GerminationGolden Seed Project
129GSPCharteringGood Safe Port
130GSPMedicalGood Scientific Practice
131GSPStandardisationGood Standardization Practice
132GSPMedicineGood Statistics Practice
133GSPPharmaceuticalGood Storage Practices
134GSPBusinessGood, Safe Port
135GSPTechnologyGovernment Security Program
136GSPNormal BusinessGovernment Selling Price
137GSPCompanies or OrganizationsGovernment Service Provider
138GSPGovernmentalGovernment Structural Policies
139GSPEducationalGovernor’s Scholars Program
140GSPNourishmentGrab Some Pizza
141GSPUncategorizedGraduate Safety Practitioner
142GSPUncategorizedGraduate Studies Program
143GSPEducationalGraduating Senior Priority
144GSPAcademic & ScienceGrammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
145GSPBioengineeringGraph Signal Processing
146GSPMicrobiologyGreat Salt Plains
147GSPBoschGreen Spark Plug
148GSPFishkeepingGreen Spotted Puffer
149GSPFishkeepingGreen Star Polyp
150GSPEducationalGroningen Student Platform
151GSPUncategorizedGross Signed Premiums
152GSPGovernmentGross State Product
153GSPMilitaryGround Sensor Platoon
154GSPNASAGround Support Personnel
155GSPEducationalGroup Study Problem
156GSPEnvironmental HealthGrowing Season Precipitation
157GSPUncategorizedGST Suvidha Provider
158GSPUncategorizedGuaranteed Savings Plan
159GSPComputingGuardian Service Processor
160GSPArmyGuided Systems Protocol
161GSPEnvironmentHigh-level Panel on Global Sustainability

SUPW Full Form

Final Words:

So, friends, I hope you get what you want to know about GSP. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than GSP? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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