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Friday, February 28, 2025

IDPS Full Form

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IDPS Full Form: What Does IDPS Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of IDPS is? If yes, then you are at the right place, because here you will not only get the all possible Full Form of IDPS but also get detailed information about IDPS. Not only this, you will also come to know what Does IDPS stand for?

IDPS Full Form

The term IDPS has many full forms, but out of which most relevant

IDPS Full Form is – Investor Directed Portfolio Service

Investor Director Portfolio Service is a sort of administration, which implies that your exchange, custodial and announcing administrations are contained inside a solitary organization stage. Your speculation is controlled through a concentrated assistance that permits you and your counselors to handily audit your whole portfolio. Your monetary consultant can lead exchanges for your benefit and deal with the organization of your venture.

What Does IDPS Stand For?

IDPS stands for – Internally Displaced Person

Internally displaced persons (IDPs) are people who have been forced to leave their homes in large numbers due to military conflict, civil violence, systemic human rights abuses, or natural disasters, and who are now in their own country.

In fact, internally displaced persons are persons who fall under the definition of internally displaced persons, but who, having left their place of residence, remain in the country of their nationality and can enjoy its protection.

People who have fled their homes to escape danger or coercion, especially in armed conflict, are usually at increased risk in a number of areas. Displaced persons have an increased mortality rate compared to the general population. They are almost constantly at risk of physical assault, abduction and sexual assault. In addition, they are often denied access to adequate housing and nutrition and health services.

The vast majority of displaced persons are women and children, who are particularly at risk of abuse that violate the fundamental principles of their rights. It is much more likely that refugees find themselves in a position close to conflict zones or are held hostage, caught in the crossfire and at risk of being pawns in someone else’s game, a target or a human shield of warring parties.

All Full Forms of IDPS

Here is the complete list of Full Form of IDPS.

Sr. No.TermCategoryIDPS Full Forms
1IDPSBusinessInstitutional Development Plans
2IDPSCellInduced DPs
3IDPSCommunityIntrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
4IDPSCompoundInherently Dissipative Polymers
5IDPSCybersecurityIntrusion Detection and Prevention Service
6IDPSEducationIndividual Development Plans
7IDPSEducationIndividual Development Plans
8IDPSEnvironmental HealthInfectious Diseases Physicians
9IDPSFantasy SportsIndividual Defensive Players
10IDPSFantasyUncategorizedSportsIndividual Defensive Players
11IDPSGovernmentInternally Displaced Persons
12IDPSGovernmentInternally Displaced Persons
13IDPSInformation TechnologyIgnore Disk Protect Switch
14IDPSInternationalInternational Design Project Semester
15IDPSInvestmentsInvestor Directed Portfolio Service
16IDPSManagementIndividual Development Programs
17IDPSManagementIndividual Development Programs
18IDPSMedicalIntrinsically Disordered Proteins
19IDPSMedicalIntrinsically Disordered Proteins
20IDPSMilitaryImagery Data Processing System
21IDPSMilitaryImagery Data Processing System
22IDPSMilitaryIndividaul Development Plans
23IDPSMilitaryIntegrated Database Preparation System
24IDPSMilitaryIntegrated Deployable Processing System
25IDPSMilitaryIntelligence Data Processing System
26IDPSNASAInterface Data Processing Segment
27IDPSNASAInterface Data Processing Segment
28IDPSNASA – SpaceInterface Digital Processor
29IDPSOrthopaedicIntradiscal Pressures
30IDPSOrthopaedicIntradiscal Pressures
31IDPSPharmaceuticalInfectious diseases in pregnancy screening
32IDPSPharmaceuticalIntrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
33IDPSPlanningIntegrated Development Plans
34IDPSRefugeeInternally Displaced Populations
35IDPSRefugeeInternally Displaced Populations
36IDPSScienceIntegrated Data Processing Segment
37IDPSScienceInterplanetary Dust Particles
38IDPSScienceInterplanetary Dust Particles
39IDPSTechnologyIntrusion Detection and Prevention System
40IDPSTechnologyIntrusion Detection And Prevention System
41IDPSTechnologyIntrusion Detection Prevention System
42IDPSTechnologyIntrusion Detection Prevention System
43IDPSUncategorizedImage Data Processing Subsystem
44IDPSUncategorizedIndividualized Development Plans
45IDPSUncategorizedInfrastructure Delivery Plans
46IDPSUncategorizedInstallation Design Plans
47IDPSUncategorizedInstitute of Development and Planning Studies
48IDPSUncategorizedIntegrated Data Processing System
49IDPSUncategorizedIntellectually Disabled Persons Services
50IDPSUncategorizedInteractive Direct Processing System
51IDPSUncategorizedInterface Data Processing System
52IDPSUncategorizedInternally Displaced Persons Source
53IDPSUnited NationsInternally Displaced People

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about IDPS. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than IDPS? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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