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PNR Full Form

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PNR Full Form: What Does PNR Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of PNR is? Then, here you will come to know what Does PNR stand for? Also all possible Full Form of PNR.

PNR Full Form

The term PNR has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

PNR Full Form is – Passenger Name Record

Reservations can be made in several ways from the IRCTC website, booking counters, or many private websites.

All reservations are assigned a unique number called PNR (Passenger Name Record). This is a unique number for each reservation. Up to six passenger tickets can be reserved for each. Many people try to travel in trains, but reserved seats are still limited, so the unique number PNR becomes very important. Passengers are required to depend on PNR to check the status of their reservation.

All the main information related to a passenger’s journey can be obtained from PNR, such as – Information of travelers doing travel Where to start travel How far is travel done? How much is the travel fee being charged Travel tickets confirmed or not?

PNR (Passenger Name Record), also called Passenger Name Record, is a ten-digit unique code that is written on the top left corner of the ticket as it is the first name of the passenger name record which means that the passenger Keeps travel-related information which is present as a database in the CRS (Central Reservation System) of Railways, only through PNR number you can get information about your reserved seat such as seat number, waiting seat position, etc.

How To Check PNR Status

You can check the status of the online PNR number through the website of IRCTC. You can also get the information of your PNR Number from the mobile app or mobile application of IRCTC. You can check PNR through SMS from the mobile phone. You can also find out about the PNR status from the reservation chart. You can check the status of your PNR at the railway check counter or railway station.

To find out the status of PNR, you can visit the Indian Railways website or click here to visit the website http://www.indianrail.gov.in/pnr_Enq.html. Can detect status

Either you can search PNR STATUS in Google and find the status of PNR by going to the website given below.

If you do not have an internet connection, then you do not have to worry; you can also find PNR STATUS by SMS or CALL.

Via SMS:

Send SMS: PNR <10 digit PNR Number> to 54959

Send SMS: PNR <10 digit PNR Number> to 139

Send SMS: PNR <10 digit PNR Number> to 57886

Send SMS: PNR <10 digit PNR Number> to 5676747

By phone call:

Dial 139 from your mobile phone and follow the instructions carefully.

If someone books early or booking in the less favorite train, then a confirmed ticket is available. Most people get a waiting list booking. This means that if some confirmed tickets are canceled, the waitlisted will proceed sequentially and get confirmed. In addition, several reserved quotas on each train are not opened to the general public. Once the final chart is usually ready 3 hours in advance, these quotas are issued, and waiting list tickets get a chance to be confirmed.

Due to such a shortage of favorite trains, people often book attic in advance or many times in anticipation of travel. Then as the travel date changes, their travel plans also change, and they have to cancel the tickets booked within the stipulated time. This gives waiting list passengers a chance to keep track of their booking status. Gradually it moves from a high waitlisting number to a low number, and if one is lucky, the ticket is confirmed. This also allows the passengers to decide whether their tickets will be confirmed or not. Therefore, most people keep checking his condition from time to time. Our site provides a quick way to check the Indian Railways PNR status by simply entering the 10 digit PNR number in the given search box and clicking on the Get Status button. We obtain and display the latest status of PNR.

What is PNR Full Form in Railway

Full Form of PNR in Railway Time is – Passenger Name Record

What is PNR Full Form in Airlines

Passenger Name Record

What is PNR Status Full Form

Passenger Name Record

What Does PNR Stand For?

PNR stands for – Passenger Name Record

Passenger Name Record (abbreviated PNR) is an electronic document stored in the booking systems and introduction programs of airlines, which contains passenger data: the name element, all reserved flights, and other components of his travel. Other information about the Passenger and the travel-related requests for additional services may be included in the booking.

In the aviation and travel industries, the Passenger Name (PNR) is a record in the computer reservation system (CRS) database, which consists of personal information for the Passenger and contains a route for the Passenger or group of passengers traveling together.

Each PNR, regardless of the booking system, must retain five must-have items. One of the necessary elements is the standard element of contact information. Like any other mandatory item, the contact element must be entered into the booking in a strictly defined format.

Part of the technical point of view requires five parts of the PNR before the booking can be completed. They are Passenger’s name, contact information for the travel agent or the airline office, ticket information, or ticket number, or temporary ticket restrictions.

The PNR concept was first introduced by airlines, which had to share booking information in case passengers needed multiple airlines to reach their destination (“laying”). To this end, IATA and ATA have set standards for PNR and other interconnection services through ATA/IATA Passenger Interline Communications (AIRIMP).

What Does PNR Stand For in Medical?

In Medical PNR Stand For – When Necessary

ECS Full Form

What is Full Forms of PNR

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term PNR.

Sr. No.TermCategoryPNR Full Form
1PNRTransportationPassenger Name Record
2PNRUncategorizedPacific Northwest Region
3PNRNavyPak Navy Recruitment
6PNRInformation TechnologyPalmtop News Reader
9PNREnergyPalomar Natural Resources
10PNRAirlinePAN Air
11PNRUncategorizedPanhandle & Northern Railroad
12PNROrganizationsPanhandle and Northern Railroad
13PNRRailwayPanhandle Northern Railroad
14PNRLocal – RailwayPanhandle Northern Railroad Company
16PNRLiteratureParanormal Romance
17PNRTechnologyPart Number
18PNRParty of the Nation’s RetireesPart Number Request
19PNRCheckPartial Nitritation Reactor
20PNRUncategorizedParty of the New Republic
21PNRSocietyPassenger Name Recorder
22PNRUncategorizedPassenger Name Records
23PNRTransportationPassenger Name Reservation
24PNRAirlinePassenger Names Record
25PNRTransportationPassenger Notes of Record
26PNRAvionicsPassive Noise Reduction
27PNRInformation TechnologyPeak to Noise Ratio
28PNRNYSE SymbolsPentAir, Inc.
29PNRUncategorizedPercentage of Net Revenue
30PNRCybersecurityPersonal Name Record
31PNRLocal – RailwayPhilippine National Railways
34PNRInformation TechnologyPhoto Noise Reduction
35PNRSciencePhotoreceptor-specific Nuclear Receptor
36PNRUncategorizedPick And Roll
37PNRAthleticsPick ‘n’ Roll
38PNRNavigationPoint of No Return
39PNRAirport CodePointe Noire Airport
40PNRAirport CodesPointe Noire, Congo
41PNRNeutronPolarized Neutron Reflectometry
42PNRUncategorizedPost Nut Regret
43PNREnvironmental HealthPotential Nitrification Rate
44PNRMedicalPrague Normotensive Rat
45PNRUncategorizedPreston New Road
46PNRGastroenterologyPrimary Non-Response
47PNRNavigationPrior Notice Required
48PNRAutomotivePrivate Non Residential Parking
49PNRInvestmentsProduction Non-Recurring
50PNRTechnologyProfiler Network Review
51PNRUncategorizedProject Narrative Report
52PNRMedicalProximal Negative Response

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about PNR. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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