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Saturday, March 1, 2025

BDO Full Form

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BDO Full Form

Dear Friends, do you want to know what is the full form of BDO is? If yes, then you are at the right place, because here you will not only get the all possible Full Form of BDO but also get detailed information about BDO.

Not only this, but you will also come to know the Meaning of BDO here.

In eFull Forms, you will get complete information about the acronym of BDO or abbreviation of BDO related to all terminology. So, let’s find out all possible BDO Full Form and it’s meanings here.

BDO Full Form

The term BDO has many full forms, but out of which most relevant BDO Full Form is –

BDO – Block Development Officer

In India, each District is divided into many Tehsils and under those tehsils there are many blocks.

On these blocks, an officer is appointed by the government of India, to look after the development work, which we know as BDO.

Friends, it would be the job of the BDO officer to play an important role in the development work of the blocks coming under him.

BDO is an officer who is the Block Development Officer of that area whose job is to oversee all the development work in his area and no work is done in that area, ie it does the government’s work in the area They have the responsibility of getting it done.

And these officers have a chief officer who is above these officers and their job is to supervise the work of that area with these officers.

BDO Full Form in Government

Full Form of BDO in Government is – Block Development Officer

What Does BDO Stand For?

BDO stands for – Block Development Officer

What is BDO Meaning

The term BDO can be used for many purposes, but the most relevant meaning of BDO is – Block Development Officer

All Full Forms of BDO

By now, you must have got some idea about the Full-Forms and meaning of BDO.

However, the list is not ending here, if you like to know similar full-forms of BDO, then this site contains various Full-Forms related to Government, Computing, Telecommunication, Medical, Space Science, Education, and various categorize like these.

Here is the complete Full-Form list of the term BDO.

Note: For your convenience, you can “Search” in this table what you want by typing in the search bar.

Sr. No.TermCategoryBDO Full Forms
3BDOUncategorizedBaby Discussions Online
4BDOUncategorizedBaby’s Day Out
5BDOUncategorizedBadminton Development Officer
6BDOBankingBanco de Oro
7BDOPhilippineBanco de Oro
8BDOLocal – Airport CodesBandung, Indonesia
9BDOUncategorizedBank De Oro
10BDOBankingBank Development Organization
11BDOBusinessBank Development Organization
12BDOBartonBarton, Durstine & Osborn
13BDOUncategorizedBase de Dados Operacional
14BDOUncategorizedBase de Donn
16BDOMilitaryBasic Delivery Order
17BDOUncategorizedBasic Diving Officer
18BDOArmyBattle Dress Overgarment
19BDOMilitaryBattle Dress Overgarment
20BDOMilitaryBattle Dress Overgarments
21BDOUncategorizedBattle-Dress Overgarment + 1 variant
22BDOUncategorizedBattleScape Developer Option
23BDOWaterBay-Delta Office
24BDOConferenceBeam Dynamics and Optimization
25BDOOklahomaBeer Distributors of Oklahoma
26BDONazi RegimeBefehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei
27BDONaziBefehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei
28BDOSecurityBehavior Detection Officer
29BDOSecurityBehavior Detection Officers
30BDOSecurityBehavioral Detection Officer
31BDOBehaviorBehaviour Detection Officer
34BDOBehaviorBehaviour Detection Officers
35BDOToxicologyBenzene Dioxygenase
37BDOUncategorizedBeresan District Odessa
38BDODentBerufsverband Deutscher Oralchirurgen
39BDOUncategorizedBerufsverbandes Deutscher Oralchirurgen
40BDOUncategorizedBi Directional Override
41BDOEducationalBi-Directional Override
42BDOTechnologyBidirectional Override
43BDOElectronicsBi-Directional Override
44BDOSocietyBig Day Out
45BDOFestivalBig Day Out
46BDOScienceBig Dumb Object
47BDOUncategorizedBig Dumb Objects
48BDOUncategorizedBile Duct Obstruction
49BDOMedicalBile Duct Obstruction
50BDOGastroenterologyBile Duct Occlusion
51BDOInternational BusinessBinder (UK), Dijker (Netherlands) and Otte (Germany)
52BDOUncategorizedBinder Dijke Otte
53BDOUncategorizedBINDER DIJKER and OTTE
54BDOUncategorizedBinder Dijker Otte
55BDOFirmBinder Dijker Otte
56BDOUncategorizedBinder, Dijker, Otte
57BDOCompanies or OrganizationsBinder, Dijker, Otte, & Company
58BDOBusinessBinder, Dijker, Otte, & Company
59BDOUncategorizedBiostatistics Degree Option
60BDOMedicalbiphenyl dioxygenase
61BDOMicrobiologyBiphenyl Dioxygenase
62BDOUncategorizedBisnis Development Officer
63BDOInformation TechnologyBlack Desert Online
64BDOGamingBlack Desert Online
65BDOUncategorizedBlanket Delivery Order
66BDOIndiaBlock Development Office
67BDOLocal StatesBlock Development Officer
68BDOServiceBlock Development Officer
69BDOAssamBlock Development Officers
70BDOScienceBoard, Department or Office
71BDOUncategorizedBoards, Departments and Offices
72BDOMilitaryBomb Disposal Officer
73BDOUncategorizedBoom Defence Officer
74BDOUncategorizedBordeaux Danse Orientale
75BDOUncategorizedBoston District Office
76BDOUncategorizedbow door
77BDOCorparateBranch Designated Officer
78BDOUncategorizedBranch Diving Officer
79BDOAthleticsBritish Darts Organisation
80BDOLocal – BritishBritish Darts Organization
81BDODartsBritish Darts Organization
82BDOUncategorizedBritish Druid Oder
83BDOGroupBritish Druid Order
84BDOUncategorizedBuffered Decode Output
85BDOPublicsBuild Develop Operate
87BDOGovernmentBuilding Digital Opportunities
88BDOUncategorizedBund Deutscher Oenologen
89BDOUncategorizedBund Deutscher Offiziere
91BDODentBund Deutscher Oralchirurgen
92BDOUncategorizedBund Deutscher Orgelbaumeister
93BDOGermanBund Deutscher Osten
94BDOTransplantationBundesverband der Organtransplantierten
95BDOUncategorizedBundesverband der Ortskrankenkassen
96BDOUncategorizedBundesverband Deutscher Omnibusunternehmen
97BDOBerlinBundesverbandes Deutscher Omnibusunternehmer
99BDOUncategorizedBuried Distribution Optical
100BDOUncategorizedBusines Development Officer
101BDOArmyBusiness Depot Ogden
102BDOUtahBusiness Depot Ogden
103BDOTechnologyBusiness Development Office
104BDOOccupation & PositionsBusiness Development Officer
105BDOEmploymentBusiness Development Officer
106BDOEmploymentBusiness Development Officers
107BDOUncategorizedBusiness Development Opportunity
108BDOAuditBusiness Development Organization
109BDOServiceBusiness Development Outsourcing
110BDOOccupation & PositionsBussiness Development Officer
111BDOOccupationBussiness Development Officer
112BDOMedicalbutadiene monoepoxide
113BDOToxicologyButadiene Monoepoxide
115BDOIATA CodeHusein Sastranegara International Airport
116BDOAirportHussein Sastranegara Airport
117BDOUncategorizedThe Beresan District Odessa
118BDOBorough Divisional OfficerUncategorized

Final Words:

So, friends, I hope you get what you want to know about BDO. If you want more information about BDO, please let me know through comments, or you can write me an email.

Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than BDO? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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