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CAA Full Form

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CAA Full Form: What Does CAA Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of CAA is? Then, here you will come to know what Does CAA stand for? Also all possible Full Form of CAA.

CAA Full Form

The term CAA has many full forms, but out of which most relevant –

CAA Full Form is – Civil Aviation Authority

CAA “Civil Aviation Authority” is an official body in the United Kingdom that oversees and controls all facets of civil aviation.

CAA Full Form in India

CAA Full Form in Law is – Citizenship Amendment Act

CAA Full Form is – Citizenship Amendment Act

CAA bill provides for granting citizenship to religious minorities from any of the three countries – Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh – Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists, Parsis, and Christians who came before December 31, 2014. As a result of this rule, those people may now be granted Indian citizenship.

The Citizenship Amendment Bill was passed by most Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on December 12, 2019. After the passage of the bill, there was a great stir in the country. Large-scale rallies were held across India on behalf of those who supported the bill and those who opposed it.

They have been persecuted in these countries based on religion; this law applies to them. This law does not apply to foreign nationals. The law does not apply to foreign nationals and Muslims who have settled in India from other countries, including Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh.

Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh are predominantly Muslim countries. The law provides for the granting of citizenship to minorities in this country. Muslims are not a minority in any of these three Muslim countries. Therefore, Muslims were not included in the bill. Since the prevailing law is about granting citizenship to the above six types of refugees, in the present situation, those who are citizens of India can be of any religion, so there will be no question. This law gives the right to citizenship. No one’s right to citizenship will be taken away.

Part Two of the Constitution sets out the rules of citizenship in terms of Articles Five to Eleven. Article 11 gives the Indian Parliament the power to grant and revoke citizenship. On that basis, the law has been amended. The critical question is, why this law for refugees from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan? So – these three countries have been separated from India for almost 70 years. Three generations of them have lived in these three countries. India can be a natural haven for refugees from these three countries. We have a cultural relationship with them. Therefore, India has brought this law with a big heart.

For this, some changes have been made in the previous Indian Citizenship Act, 1955, so that the applicants will have legal convenience. Another provision of the same law provided that those who infiltrated India could not obtain citizenship and were deported or detained by the administration.

What is the Citizenship Act, 1955?

The Citizenship Act, 1955 is a comprehensive law on Indian citizenship, which sets out the conditions for obtaining Indian citizenship.

Anyone can lose their Indian citizenship in three ways –

  1. When someone wants to renounce citizenship voluntarily
  2. When someone accepts citizenship of another nation
  3. When the government revokes someone’s citizenship

What Does CAA Stand For?

CAA stands for – Citizenship Amendment Act

What Does CAA Stand For in College?

Comprehensive Articulation Agreement

WC Full Form

What is Full Forms of CAA

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term CAA.

Sr. No.TermCategoryCAA Full Form
1CAALocal – CanadianCalgary Airport Authority
2CAAAssociationsCalifornia Aikido Association
3CAAAssociationsCalifornia Alarm Association
5CAAEducationCalifornia Alternate Assessments
6CAAEducationalCalifornia Alumni Association
9CAAAssociationsCalifornia Apartment Association
10CAAAssociationsCalifornia Assessors Association
11CAAAssociationsCalifornia Autobody Association
12CAAUncategorizedCalling All Angels
13CAAArcheryCambridgeshire Archery Association
14CAAUncategorizedCampaign Against Acronyms
15CAALocal – CanadianCanadian Acoustical Association
16CAAEducationalCanadian Archaeological Association
17CAAArchipelagoCanadian Arctic Archipelago
18CAAAutomotive SystemsCanadian Automobile Association
19CAALocal – CanadianCanadian Avalanche Association
20CAATransportationCancel All Aviation
21CAAPharmaceuticalCancer Arthritis Artery
22CAAAssociationsCanyon Athletic Association
23CAAInformationCapacity Allocation Acknowledgement
24CAAToxicologyCarboxylic Acid Amide
25CAACardiologyCardiology Advocacy Alliance
26CAACareCare Area Assessment
27CAAEducationCareer Advancement Accounts
28CAAHealthCarers Association of Australia
29CAAEngineeringCargo Airline Association
30CAAEducationalCaribbean Actuarial Association
31CAAPharmaceuticalCarotid Arterial Atherosclerosis
34CAAAssociationsCarriage Association of America
35CAAAthleticsCarrollton Athletic Association
36CAAEducationalCase Alumni Association
37CAAAirportCatacamas Airport
38CAAUncategorizedCategory Agreement Analysis
39CAAAthleticsCatholic Athletic Association
40CAAMedicalCationic Amino Acid
41CAAChemistryCellular Antioxidant Activity
42CAAAcademic & ScienceCenter for Academic Achievement
43CAAMilitaryCenter for Army Analysis
44CAAPharmaceuticalCerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
45CAANeurologyCerebrovascular Amyloid Angiopathy
46CAAAuthoritiesCertificate Authority Authorization
47CAAMilitaryCertificate of Arts in Apologetics
48CAAEngineeringCertification and Accreditation
49CAAAuthoritiesCertification Authority Authorization
50CAATaxCertified Acceptance Agent
51CAAAthleticsCertified Athletic Administrator
52CAAAwardChapter Achievement Award
53CAAAssociationsCharleston Apartment Association
54CAALocalChina Aid Association
55CAAVoluntary OrganizationChinese American Association
56CAAAssociationsChinese Athletic Association
57CAALocal – AustralianChiropractors Association of Australia
58CAAMedicalChiropractors’ Association of Australia
59CAATechnologyChromic Acid Anodizing
60CAAPharmaceuticalChronic Aplastic Anaemia
61CAAMedicalCirculating Anodic
62CAAMedicalCirculating Anodic Antigen
63CAAGovernmentalCivil Action Agency
64CAAAuthoritiesCivil Action Authority
65CAAMilitaryCivil Aeronautics Administration
66CAAAuthoritiesCivil Aeronautics Authority
67CAAArmyCivil Air Augmentation
68CAAMilitaryCivil Air Authority
69CAAAircraftCivil Airworthiness Authority
70CAAEngineeringCivil Aviation Administration
71CAAGovernmentalCivil Aviation Agency
72CAABusinessCivil Aviation Authorities
73CAAAircraftCivil Aviation Authority
74CAAOilClean Air Act
75CAAWeatherCold Air Advection
76CAAEducationalCollege Art Association
77CAAArtCollege of Adaptive Arts
78CAAEducationalCollege of Art and Architecture
79CAACybersecurityCollusion Attack Algorithm
80CAAAthleticsColonial Athletic Association
81CAAArmyCombat Aviation Advisor
82CAAArmyCombined Arms Agency
83CAAArmyCommand Arrangement Agreement
84CAAEducationalCommittee on Astronomy and Astrophysics
85CAAEducationalCommonwealth Association of Architects
86CAABusinessCommunity Action Agency
87CAAAlliancesCompanion Animal Alliance
88CAAPharmaceuticalComplete Androgen Ablation
89CAAEducationalComponent Application Architecture
91CAAPharmaceuticalComprehensive Area Assessment
92CAAUncategorizedComprehensive Articulation Agreement
93CAAChemistryComputer Aided Analysis
94CAAComputingComputer Aided Architecture
95CAAComputingComputer Aided Assessment
96CAAInformation TechnologyComputer Aided Or Assisted

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about CAA. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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