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DIC Full Form

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DIC Full Form: What Does DIC Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of DIC is? Then, here you will come to know what Does DIC stand for? Also all possible Full Form of DIC.

DIC Full Form

The term DIC has many full forms, but out of which most relevant

DIC Full Form is – Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is also known as wasting coagulopathy or defibrin syndrome. It is a systemic disease that can cause thrombosis and bleeding. DIC can be manifested as an acute, life-threatening emergency, or as a chronic, subclinical course, depending on the severity and progression rate of the disease and the impact of the underlying cause on the incidence. Identifying DIC and its underlying cause is the key to correct DIC treatment.

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a serious cause of death in intensive care settings. The use of the International Society for Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) scoring system facilitates the early diagnosis of DIC. We present three clinical observations of DIC of different etiologies: prostatic adenocarcinoma, septic shock, and retro-placental hematoma. The hemostasis tests necessary to calculate the score of the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) (platelet count, prothrombin, fibrinogen, and D-dimer levels) were regularly performed. Other additional tests (search for soluble complexes, euglobulin lysis test, an assay of antithrombin, activated protein C, and factor V levels) were also carried out. The use of the ISTH score helps to facilitate the early diagnosis of DIC.

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a severe defibrination syndrome that accompanies well-defined clinical situations and reflects the failure of the microvascular system in its ability to maintain blood flow. DIC is accompanied by activation of coagulation and fibrinolysis. The diagnosis is based on an evocative set of biological abnormalities. These tests have either poor sensitivity or poor specificity for the diagnosis of DIC. Different standardized scoring systems have been proposed, the score of the International Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis (ISTH) is the most validated, making it, therefore, a benchmark score. This score takes into account the clinical picture and a combination of the tests most often used routinely.

Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a complex pathological process triggered by specific causes based on certain serious diseases, including the activation of the human coagulation system, platelet activation, and fibrin deposition caused by pathogenic factors, leading to diffuse intravascular Microthrombosis; followed by the consumption of reducing a variety of coagulation factors and platelets; while the coagulation system is activated, the fibrinolysis system can also be activated, leading to hyperfibrinolysis. Clinically, bleeding, embolism, microcirculation disorder, and microangiopathic hemolysis are prominent manifestations.

Therefore, DIC is not an independent disease but should be regarded as a clinical syndrome caused by the primary disease. Common primary disease or predisposing factors include infection, solid tumors, hematological malignancies, trauma or surgery, and obstetric complications. Most DICs have sudden onset, complex disease, rapid development, difficult diagnosis, and dangerous prognosis. If they are not diagnosed and treated in time, they often endanger the lives of patients. Besides, due to the complex pathological process of DIC and the relatively high difficulty of treatment, it needs to be formulated based on the dynamic observation of clinical manifestations and laboratory test results. Now the author combines a classic case to explain the principles of DIC treatment and personal experience of DIC treatment.

DIC Full Form in Medical

Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation

DIC Full Form in Business

District Industries Center

DIC Full Form in MSME

District Industries Center

DIC Registration Full Form

District Industries Center

What Does DIC Stand For?

DIC stands for – Disseminated intravascular coagulation

All Full Forms of DIC

Here is the complete list of Full Form of DIC in various categorize.

Sr. No.TermCategoryDIC Full Form
1DICUncategorizedDaffodil International College
2DICChemistryDainippon Ink and Chemicals
3DICBusinessDainippon Inks and Chemicals
4DICUncategorizedDairy Industry Committee
5DICUncategorizedDairy Industry Conference
6DICUncategorizedDallas Islamic Center
7DICUncategorizedData and Information Center
8DICUncategorizedData do in
9DICUncategorizedData Image Compress
10DICColoradoData Information Center
11DICTechnologyData Input Check
12DICUncategorizedData Input Clock
13DICUncategorizedData Input Console
14DICTechnologyData Insertion Converter
15DICComputingData Integration Centres
16DICUncategorizedData Integrity Check
17DICScienceData Intensive Computing
18DICUncategorizedData Interchange Code
19DICResearchData-Intensive Computing
20DICMedicalDays in Culture
21DICPharmaceuticalDead In Cage
22DICPharmaceuticalDead In Car
23DICUncategorizedDead In Consist
24DICAthleticsDeaf Indoor Cricketers
25DICUncategorizedDeath and Indemnity Compensation
26DICMedicalDeath is coming
27DICUncategorizedDecentralized Integral Controllability
28DICUncategorizedDedicated Intense And Caring
29DICUncategorizedDedicated Internet Consultancy
30DICUncategorizedDeep Inelastic Collisions
31DICUncategorizedDefence Industries Corporation
34DICCouncilDefence Industries Council
35DICMilitaryDefence Intelligence Centre
36DICMilitaryDefence Intelligence College
37DICComputer SecurityDefense Intelligence Community
38DICInformation TechnologyDefocus Image Control
39DICShippingDelivered In Charge
40DICUncategorizedDelivery in Charges
41DICPharmaceuticalDental Implant Centre
42DICMilitaryDependency and Indemnity Compensation
43DICLocal – CountriesDependency Injection Container
44DICUncategorizedDependents Indemnity Compensation
45DICBankingDeposit Insurance Corporation
46DICUncategorizedDeputy in Charge
47DICPoliticsDeputy Incident Commander
48DICArmyDeputy Installation Commander
49DICUncategorizedDesign Incubation Centre
50DICUncategorizedDesign Innovation Center
51DICUncategorizedDesign Island Centre
52DICUncategorizedDesign of Integrated Circuits
53DICProfessional OrganizationsDestination Inspection Company
54DICFunnyDestroyer of Interesting Cartoons
55DICVoluntary OrganizationDetroit Institute for Children
56DICStatisticsDeviance Information Criterion
57DICUncategorizedDevils Into Crime
58DICPhotography & ImagingDiagnostic Imaging Centers
59DICJewelryDiamond Information Center
60DICInternationalDiamond International Corporation
61DICCompanies or OrganizationsDiamonds International Corporation
62DICUncategorizedDiesel Injector Cleaner
64DICEducationalDifferential Interference Contrast
65DICMedicalDiffuse Intravascular Coagulation
66DICUncategorizedDiffusion Information Communication
67DICUncategorizedDigital Image Collection
68DICUncategorizedDigital Image Control
69DICImageDigital Image Correlation
70DICUncategorizedDigital Imaging and Communications
71DICPhotographyDigital Imaging Cables
72DICUncategorizedDigital Imaging Corporation
73DICQatarDigital Incubation Center
74DICCorvetteDigital Information Center
75DICUncategorizedDigital Innovation & Communication
76DICUncategorizedDigital Input Channel
77DICUncategorizedDigital Input Computer
78DICTechnologyDigital Instrument Cluster
79DICUncategorizedDigital Integrated Circuits
80DICTechnologyDigital Interface Controller
81DICUncategorizedDigital Interference Contrast
82DICTechnologyDigital Inverter Compressor
83DICUniversityDiploma of Imperial College
84DICUncategorizedDiploma of the Imperial College
85DICUncategorizedDirect Image Copy
86DICMedicalDirect Isotope Cystography
87DICBridgeDirector In Charge
88DICMachine LearningDiscrete Incremental Clustering
89DICUncategorizedDisorganized Intravascular Clotting
91DICBioengineeringDisseminate Intravascular Coagulation
92DICDentistryDisseminated Coagulopathy
93DICMedicalDisseminated intravascular clotting
94DICPharmaceuticalDisseminated Intravascular Coagulation
95DICPharmaceuticalDisseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy
96DICClimate ChangeDissolved Inorganic Carbon
97DICEducationalDistillation In Column
98DICLocal StatesDistrict Industries Centre
99DICLocal – GhanaDivestiture Implementation Committee
100DICEducationalDivision of Inorganic Chemistry
101DICGovernmentDivision of International Conservation
102DICTextingDo I Care
103DICNASA – SpaceDo It Cheap
104DICArmyDocument Identifier Code
105DICUncategorizedDocumentary Information And Communication
106DICQuiltingDouble Irish Chain
107DICProgrammingDream in Code
108DICCompanies or OrganizationsDreams In Cinema
109DICPharmaceuticalDrip Infusion Cholangiography
110DICAutomotiveDriver Information Center
111DICPharmaceuticalDrop In Center
112DICPharmaceuticalDrug Information Center
113DICToxicologyDrug-Induced Cholestasis
114DICJuridicalDrunk In Charge
115DICProductsDual Identification Compass
116DICUncategorizedDubai International Capital
117DICSocietyDubai International City
118DICCompanies or OrganizationsDubai Internet City
119DICPharmaceuticalDuctal Infiltrating Carcinoma
120DICInternationalDynamite International Corp
121DICInternationalDynamite International Corporation
122DICMolecular BiologyDynein Intermediate Chain

MSE Full Form

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about DIC. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than DIC? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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