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IPCC Full Form

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IPCC Full Form: What Does IPCC Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of IPCC is? Then, here you will come to know what Does IPCC stand for? Also all possible Full Form of IPCC.

IPCC Full Form

The term IPCC has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

IPCC Full Form is – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) formed the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 1988.

The purpose of the panel is to assess the available information on climate change from around the world on a comprehensive and objective basis. The IPCC reports have an essential informational function and aim to provide a balanced view of existing policy perspectives. Since its inception, the IPCC has produced a series of publications that have been widely cited by politicians, academics, other experts and students.

The IPCC is an intergovernmental body open to all UNEP and WMO member countries. The group of experts meets at plenary meetings about once a year. These meetings decide on the structure, principles, procedures and programme of work of the IPCC and elect the Chairman and The IPCC Bureau. They also agree on the range of issues covered by the IPCC reports and accept the reports themselves. Government representatives and participating organizations usually attend plenary meetings.

The IPCC has three working groups and a task force on national greenhouse gas inventories.

Working Group I assesses the scientific aspects of the climate system and climate change. Working Group II examines the vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems to climate change, the negative and positive effects of climate change and adaptation options. Working Group III evaluates options to limit greenhouse gas emissions and other ways to mitigate the impacts on climate change.

The IPCC’s main products are assessment reports, special reports, methodological reports and technical documents.

Various workshops and expert meetings are organized and held to support the IPCC evaluation process, sometimes in collaboration with other organizations. Their reports are published as auxiliary material to the IPCC. The Climate Change Data and Scenarios Task Force (TGICA) promotes the widespread dissemination of climate change data and scenarios using, among other things, its Data Distribution Centre (MDGs).

The IPCC reports are prepared by groups of authors appointed by Governments and international organizations and selected to carry out a specific task according to their experience. They represent universities, research centres, businesses and environmental associations and other organizations in more than 100 countries. As a rule, several hundred experts from all parts of the world are drafting the IPCC reports. In addition, several hundred experts are involved in the review process.

To ensure the integrity and objectivity of the IPCC reports, they must undergo a two-stage rigorous scientific and technical review process. In the first stage, projects are sent to specialists with considerable experience and several published works in the field. The revised tasks are then distributed for the second phase of review to governments and all authors and reviewers. After experts and governments’ comments are taken into account, the final drafts are submitted to the plenary for acceptance of their content.

In 2007, the Nobel Committee awarded the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former U.S. Vice President Albert Gore.

The Joint Prize, the Committee noted, was awarded “for its work to study and disseminate information on the human causes of climate change, as well as for developing possible measures to combat such changes.”

IPCC Full Form in Climate

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

IPCC Full Form in Environment

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

ABVP Full Form

What Does IPCC Stand For?

IPCC stands for – Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

What is Full Forms of IPCC

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term IPCC.

Sr. No.TermCategoryIPCC Full Form
1IPCCIntergovernmental BodyIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
2IPCCUncategorizedImplications of Potential Climate Change
3IPCCUncategorizedImproving Provider-Client Communication
5IPCCUncategorizedIndependent Panel on Climate Change
6IPCCInvestigationIndependent Police Complaint Commission
9IPCCCrimeIndependent Police Complaints Committee
10IPCCLawIndependent Police Complaints Council
11IPCCPolice ForceIndependent Police Force Complaints Commission
12IPCCPolice ForceIndependent Police Force Complaints Committee
13IPCCUncategorizedIndigenous Peoples and Climate Change
14IPCCUncategorizedIndigenous Peoples Climate Change
15IPCCUncategorizedIndigenous Peoples Committee on Conservation
16IPCCPatentIndustrial Power Converter Committee
17IPCCUncategorizedIndustrial Precision Components Corporation
18IPCCUncategorizedIndustrial Property Cooperation Centre
19IPCCCompanies or OrganizationsInfinity Property and Casualty Corp
20IPCCUncategorizedInfinity Property and Casualty Corporation
21IPCCUncategorizedInformation Policy and Copyright Committee
22IPCCCommitteesInstructional Policies and Curriculum Committee
23IPCCScienceIntegovernmental Panel on Climatic Change
24IPCCBusinessIntegrated Pollution Prevention and Control
25IPCCUncategorizedIntegrated Professional Competence Course
26IPCCAccountingIntegrated Professional Competency Course
27IPCCComputingIntel Parallel Computing Center
28IPCCUncategorizedIntellectual Property Counsels Committee
29IPCCUncategorizedIntellectual Property Creators Challenge
30IPCCEnvironmentInter-government Panel on Climate Change
31IPCCEducationalInternational Pack of Climate Crooks
34IPCCTechnologyInternational Packet Communications Consortium
35IPCCCommitteesInternational Panel Control Committee
36IPCCTechnologyInternational Panel on Climate Change
37IPCCUncategorizedInternational Peace and Cooperation Center
38IPCCCellInternational Pigment Cell Conference
39IPCCScienceInternational Professional Communication Conference
40IPCCTechnologyInternet Protocol Contact Center
41IPCCOceanInterngovernmental Panel on Climate Change
42IPCCCouncilIrish Peatland Conservation Council

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about IPCC. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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