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Friday, February 28, 2025

IRC Full Form

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IRC Full Form: What Does IRC Stand For?

Dear Friends, do you want to know what is full form of IRC is? If yes, then you are at the right place, because here you will not only get the all possible Full Form of IRC but also get detailed information about IRC. Not only this, you will also come to know what Does IRC stand for?

IRC Full Form

The term IRC has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

IRC Full Form is – Internet Relay Chat

The Internet Relay Chat system (literally “transmission of conversations over the Internet”), or simply IRC, includes thousands of servers and a large number of networked client stations. Created by Finnish student Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. It was conceived as a communication system for his Mailbox – “OuluBox”. Then the program spread throughout the Internet and became, perhaps, one of the most interesting.

The system works on a client-server basis. This means that on one side there is a central computer offering a certain service, on the other (your PC) there is a program, IRC-Client, which uses this service and allows you to connect to the server. All messages and commands sent by you go through the chain of servers until they reach your interlocutor. Servers are large, high-speed computers (usually Unix-Workstations) that do most of the work.

At first, communicating with IRC can seem rather unusual. So, next to the traditional ones, this system looks rather limited: we do not see the interlocutor, we do not catch his intonations, we cannot touch him. However, after working, you understand that all these conditions are generally insignificant, and sometimes even useful – by entering IRC, you are free to create any image for yourself. No one will recognize you if you don’t want to, and when it’s boring, you can leave the channel without offending anyone. The advantages of IRC include the minimum requirements for a PC and connection, as well as the fact that the programs required to enter IRC (IRC-Client) are distributed completely free of charge.

Now a little about communication: any IRC client has a nickname (nickname or Nick), by which he is known. Everyone comes up with a name for himself, but it should be borne in mind that there are about 15 thousand people on IRC at the same time and pseudonyms should not be repeated. Remember, Nick is your “face”, and they will judge you by it. All IRC is divided into so-called channels (each also has its own name), where you can chat with friends or make new acquaintances. And if you wish, you can create your own. Along with the channels open to all, there are private, so-called “private channels”, and access to them is not given to everyone.

On IRC, English is mainly used, but if your knowledge is not too deep, do not worry, on Russian channels you can write in Russian. Nevertheless, here, as in WWW, there is a problem with Russian encodings. So, one user works in Windows, the other in Unix, and if each of them starts using their own encoding, it will be a mess. Therefore, it is probably better to write in Latin letters.

IRC Full Form in Computer

IRC Full Form in Computer is – Internet Relay Chat

IRC Full Form in Medical

IRC Full Form in Medical is – Infrared coagulation

What Does IRC Stand For?

IRC stands for – Internet Relay Chat

An IRCd, short for Internet Relay Chat daemon, is server software that implements the IRC protocol, enabling people to talk to each other via the Internet (exchanging textual messages in real time).

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What is IRC Meaning

The term IRC can be used for many purposes, but the most relevant meaning of IRC is – Internet Relay Chat

WIP Full Form

All Full Forms of IRC

By now, you must have got some idea about the Full-Forms and meaning of IRC.

However, the list is not ending here, if you like to know similar full-forms of IRC, then this site contains various Full-Forms related to Government, Computing, Telecommunication, Medical, Space Science, Education, and various categorize like these.

Here is the complete Full-Form list of the term IRC.

Sr. No.TermCategoryIRC Full Form
1IRCAccountingInternational Reply Coupon
2IRCAccountingItem Related Check
3IRCAircraft & AviationIntgrated Communication Resource
5IRCAirport CodeCircle City Airport
6IRCArmyInitial Response Cell
8IRCArmyInternational Red Cross
9IRCAthleticsInternet Ralley Competition
10IRCAthleticsInternet Running Club
11IRCBankingIncremental Risk Charge
12IRCBusinessInternal Revenue Code
13IRCCertifications & DiplomasInspection Release Certificate
14IRCChemistryIntrinsic Reaction Coordinate
15IRCCodingIndian Road Congress
16IRCCommitteeIndependent Review Committee
17IRCCommitteesInstitutional Review Committee
18IRCCompanies or OrganizationsInternational Resistive Company, Inc.
19IRCComputingInternet Relay Chat
20IRCConstructionInternational Residential Code
21IRCEducationInland Regional Center
22IRCEducationInstructional Resource Center
23IRCEducationalI Repeat Classes
24IRCEducationalInter-Residence Council
25IRCEngineeringInternal reflected component
26IRCFunnyIronically Retarded Comment
27IRCGeographyIntergraph Registered Consultant
28IRCGovernmentInternational Rescue Committee
29IRCImmigrationImmigrant Rights Clinic
30IRCInformation TechnologyInternet Ready Computer
31IRCInternationalInternational Rating Certificate
34IRCInternationalInternational Rewards Centre
35IRCJuridicalInland Revenue Commissioner
36IRCLocal – Airport CodesCircle, Alaska USA
37IRCLocal – CountriesInternational Record Carrier
38IRCLocal – StatesIndian River County
39IRCLondon Stock ExchangeIndividual Rest
40IRCMedia CenterIndignant Revolutionary Channel
41IRCMedicalImmigration Removal Centre
42IRCMedicalInfrared Coagulation
43IRCMedicalInstitutes Review Committee
44IRCMedicalIntegrated Reflection Coefficient
45IRCMedicalItalian Resuscitation Council
46IRCMiscellaneousInternational Return Coupon
47IRCPharmaceuticalIncrementally Related Carrier
48IRCRehabilitationInternet Resource Comparison
49IRCSanitationInternational Water and Sanitation Center
50IRCSocietyInformation Resource Center
51IRCTechnologyInnovation Relay Centres
52IRCVoluntary OrganizationInternational Relations Center

Note: For your convenience, you can “Search” in this table what you want by typing in the search bar.

Final Words:

So, friends, I hope you get what you want to know about IRC. If you want more information about IRC, please let me know through comments, or you can write me an email.

Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than IRC? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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