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USSD Full Form

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USSD Full Form: What Does USSD Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of USSD is? Then, here you will come to know what Does USSD stand for? Also all possible Full Form of USSD.

USSD Full Form

The term USSD has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

USSD Full Form is – Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) technology was actively used at the end of the last century, and the peak of popularity of short commands was just at that time. However, banks have recently turned back to this technology to integrate it into remote customer service.

Fast team from mobileUSSD provides instant messaging between the operator and the phone and uses an additional gateway – with third-party services, for example, banking.

USSD-code is a short command that the owner of the phone types on the keyboard. It must always start with * and end with #. The most famous example of using such requests is checking the phone balance presented by all telecom operators (* 100 #, * 105 #, etc.) These short commands are USSD requests.

What are the Purposes of USSD?

USSD commands can be used for the following purposes:

  • Tariff plan management: connecting and disconnecting services, switching to another tariff, and so on.
  • Obtaining reference information about the state of the account, new services, terms of service, and so on.
  • SIM card management: change PIN and PUK codes, etc.
  • Getting help information about the weather, exact time, etc., in the subscriber’s region.
  • Some operators also use USSD commands to receive content from social networks and sites like Wikipedia.org or work with online banking.
  • Some malware can send USSD commands. They can use them, for example, to sign up for paid subscriptions on behalf of the user or transfer money from his mobile account to the accounts of cybercriminals.
  • Operators themselves can also abuse USSD messages – using them for advertising purposes.

How USSD works?

The use of short commands is an essential feature in the network of any cellular operator; however, which commands work and what operation is available for them, each cellular operator decides independently. Some of them have recently withdrawn the use of codes familiar to many from circulation, offering instead to use a mobile application.

If we talk about what any USSD code means and how it works, we can directly compare it with SMS services. Using SMS, we can send a short message to another subscriber, informing him of important information or answer a question.

The USSD code works similarly – this is a short message exchange service, only the recipient is not a person, but the operator’s system. Also, the user cannot type the text of the message to be sent but only send a request using a template preset by the operator.

So, for example, you use the services of the MTS operator and want to know about the latest paid actions from your phone number. The USSD operator command is programmed for such a question* 1 5 2 #p, and if you send a request of this kind from your phone, then in response, you will receive a list of the last five actions from the system.

But the main difference from SMS is that if you make a USSD request from your phone number, the short command immediately enters the system and is not pre-processed. That is why, if you send an SMS, then several attempts will be made to deliver it if the recipient was unavailable at the time of shipping. As a result, this makes sending USSD fast, but without the possibility of re-delivery of the sent short message if it did not immediately arrive at the addressee. However, despite this limitation, commands have the advantage of instantaneous and fast response.

USSD commands also differ in their format and can be divided into first-level requests and codes with a prefix. Regardless of the structure, an order always starts with an asterisk and closes it with a hash. After the “asterisk,” the main code is indicated, and additional “asterisks” may indicate other requests.

What is USSD Full Form in Banking?

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

What Does USSD Stand For?

USSD stands for – Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

USSD is a service that works in GSM networks by default and provides interaction between the user and the service department in the mode of sending short messages in real-time.

This method of information exchange is characterized by high speed, which provides an instant response to requests, in contrast to SMS technology, which is also a cellular communication standard but uses an intermediate database and is generally used to exchange messages between subscribers with each other. A similar service is IVR (Interactive Voice Response), while voice connections are not used in USSD, only the signaling channel is used. Thus, the exchange of information via the USSD protocol will be the most efficient.

Considering what USSD is, it should also be noted that the option works on any phone and is basic regardless of the operator. Short messages start with a * and end with a hash #, while asterisks can be additionally included in the combination, the length of the request corresponds to no more than 182 characters. However, usually, the command is much shorter and does not even exceed 20 characters. When a subscriber enters a specific sequence of characters formed in the form of a USSD command, a session is created in the GSM network. A dialogue is conducted between the subscriber and the telecom operator.

ASTM Full Form

What is Full Forms of USSD

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term USSD.

Sr. No.TermCategoryUSSD Full Form
1USSDInformation TechnologyUnstructured Supplementary Service Data
2USSDPoliticsUnited Soviet Socialist Dictatorships
3USSDConferenceUnited States Society on Dams
5USSDUSUnited States State Department
6USSDArtsUnited Studios of Self Defense
9USSDTechnologyUniversal Solid State Disk
10USSDTechnologyUnstrcutured Supplementary Services Data
11USSDUncategorizedUnstructured Server Service Data
12USSDCallingUnstructured Service Supplementary Data
13USSDTechnologyUnstructured SS Data
14USSDTechnologyUn-Structured Supplementary Data
15USSDTechnologyUnstructured Supplementary Services
16USSDTechnologyUnstructured Supplementary Services Data
17USSDTechnologyUnstructured Supplementary Subscriber Data


What is The Meaning of USSD?

USSD Means – Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

What is USSD Code Full Form?

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

What is USSD Full Form in Telecom?

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about USSD. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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