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Saturday, March 1, 2025

BCD Full Form

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BCD Full Form: What Does BCD Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of BCD is? Then, here you will come to know what Does BCD stand for? Also all possible Full Form of BCD.

BCD Full Form

The term BCD has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

BCD Full Form is – Binary Coded Decimal

Binary coded decimal encoding, commonly denoted DCB, is a way of representing decimal numbers in weighted binary numbering. We will study the 8421 standard according to which each digit of the decimal number will be converted into binary on four bits. The weighting of each bit is equivalent to that of the binary system, i.e. it is carried out from the increasing powers of 2 (20 = 1, 21 = 2, 22 = 4 and 23 = 8). This code is therefore a weighted code which is noted: DCB code 8421. The table in figure 1.24 gives a representation of the decimal digits from 0 to 9 and their equivalents in the DCB code.

To convert a decimal number to a DCB code, all you have to do is find the DCB equivalent for each of its digits in the table in figure 1.24. You get a sequence of bits whose number is four times the number of digits in the decimal number.

BCD Full Form in Computer

Binary Coded Decimal

BCD Full Form in Customs

Basic Customs Duty

BCD (Basic Customs Duty) is the tax which is calculated on the basis of Assessment Value of the goods which comes in customs border.

BCD Full Form in Diving

Buoyancy Control Device

BCD (Buoyancy Control Device) is a diving equipment generally used by professional divers.

BCD Full Form GST

Basic Customs Duty

What Does BCD Stand For?

BCD stands for – Binary Coded Decimal

All Full Forms of BCD

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term BCD.

Sr. No.TermCategoryBCD Full Form
1BCDRheumatologyB Cell Depletion
2BCDUncategorizedBachelor in Communication Design
3BCDUncategorizedBachelor of Community Design
4BCDRecordsBackground Check Directory
5BCDAirportBacolod City Domestic
6BCDMicrobiologyBacterial Carbon Demand
7BCDUncategorizedBad Cinema Diary
8BCDMolecular BiologyBad Clade Deletion
9BCDMilitaryBad Conduct Discharge
10BCDUncategorizedBadminton Club Dijon
11BCDNutritionBalanced Conventional Diet
12BCDAccountingBalancing Charge Debit
13BCDOtolaryngologyBalloon Catheter Dilation
14BCDChurchBallou Channing District
15BCDUncategorizedBangladesh Community Development
16BCDIndonesiaBank Central Dagang
17BCDUncategorizedBank of Commerce and Development
18BCDBankingBanking Consolidation Directive
19BCDBusinessBanking Control Department
20BCDUncategorizedBanner Creek Designs
21BCDUncategorizedBaptist Children Department
22BCDLawBar Council of Delhi
23BCDUncategorizedBarbados Council for the Disabled
24BCDResearchBarcode Decal
25BCDTechnologyBarrel Per Day, on Calendar Days
26BCDBusinessBarrels per Calendar Day
27BCDCardiologyBasal Capillary Density
28BCDOncologyBasal Cell Density
29BCDMedicalBasal Cell Dysplasia
30BCDVeterinaryBasal Control Diet
31BCDEnvironmentBase Catalyzed Decomposition
34BCDBusinessBase, Competitive, Differentiated
35BCDEnvironmental HealthBase-Catalysed Decomposition
36BCDUncategorizedBaseline Change Directive
37BCDMilitaryBaseline Concept Description
38BCDUncategorizedBaseline Configuration Design
39BCDSpaceBaseline Configuration Document
40BCDTechnologyBaseline Control Document
41BCDAstronomyBasic Calibrated Data
42BCDNavyBasic Carrier Deck
43BCDUncategorizedBasic Change Document
44BCDUncategorizedBasic Clinical Dataset
45BCDCustomsBasic Custom Duty
46BCDIndiaBasic Customs Duty
47BCDTechnologyBattelle Columbus Division
48BCDControllerBattery Charger Detection
49BCDUncategorizedBattle Color Detachment
50BCDUncategorizedBattle Command Development
51BCDUncategorizedBattle Coordination Detachment
52BCDMilitaryBattlefield Coordination Detachment
53BCDDentistryBaylor College of Dentistry
56BCDASXSymbolsBeaconsfield Gold NL
57BCDSindBeagle Club Deutschland
58BCDEducationBeavers Conquer Ducks
59BCDUncategorizedBefore Common Day
60BCDNeuroscienceBehavioral Constellation of Deprivation
61BCDPublic HealthBehaviour Centred Design
62BCDEscortBehind Closed Doors
63BCDUncategorizedBehind Completion Date
64BCDUncategorizedBeijing Community Dinner
65BCDLebanonBeirut Central District
66BCDElectionBelarusian Christian Democracy
67BCDOilfieldBelow Chart Datum
68BCDUncategorizedBend Central District
69BCDOncologyBenign Colorectal Diseases
70BCDUncategorizedBenton Conservation District
71BCDUncategorizedBerkeley, Charleston, and Dorchester
73BCDSchoolBerkshire Country Day
74BCDGovernmentalBermuda Customs Declaration
75BCDSupplyBest Can Do
76BCDUncategorizedBest Cleaner Disposal
78BCDUncategorizedBetter Community Development
79BCDStatisticsBiased Coin Design
80BCDUncategorizedBible Code Digest
81BCDMedicalbicarbonate dialysis
82BCDUncategorizedBietti’s Crystalline Dystrophy
83BCDTechnologyBig Canopy Database
84BCDMilitaryBig Chicken Dinner
85BCDFunnyBig Cuddly Dad
86BCDUncategorizedBinary Cartographic Data
87BCDUncategorizedBinary Clock for your desk
88BCDEngineeringBinary Code Decimal
89BCDEditorBinary Coded Data
91BCDComputingBinary Coded Decimal
92BCDComputingBinary Coded Digit
93BCDSignalBinary Coded Digital
94BCDAutomationBinary to Decimal Code
95BCDTechnologyBinary-Coded Decimal
96BCDUncategorizedBio & Chemistry Division
97BCDHealthBio Compatible Dentistry
98BCDChemistryBiochemical Detection
99BCDChemistryBiochemical Detection System
100BCDMilitaryBiological and Chemical Defence
101BCDOrganizationsBiological and Conservation Data
102BCDUncategorizedBiological Chemical Detector
103BCDTechnologyBiological Conservation Database
104BCDOtolaryngologyBipolar Cautery Dissection
106BCDArmyBirth Control Device
107BCDUncategorizedBishop, Confessor and Doctor
108BCDElectronicsBistable Cholesteric Displays
109BCDMedicalBitter crab disease
110BCDUncategorizedBituminous Coal Division
111BCDMedicalBlack and Culturally Diverse
112BCDUncategorizedBlack Canyon Dimensions
113BCDUncategorizedBlack Community Developers
114BCDUncategorizedBlack Coral Divers
115BCDUncategorizedBlack Crow Designs
116BCDPhysiologyBladder Contraction Duration
117BCDUncategorizedBlame Complain and Defend
118BCDUncategorizedBlind Code Detection
119BCDMedicalBlister Cell Death
120BCDUncategorizedBlock Cable Diagram
121BCDOptimizationBlock Coordinate Descent
122BCDTechnologyBlocked Call Delayed
123BCDUncategorizedBlog Comment Demon
124BCDEnvironmental HealthBlood Cadmium
125BCDUncategorizedBlue Cedar Design
126BCDUncategorizedBlue Comet Dragon
127BCDAstronomyBlue Compact Dwarf
128BCDSocialBoard Certified Diplomat
129BCDUncategorizedBoard Coverage Decision
130BCDMusicBobby Cat Dance
131BCDRingBolt Center Diameter
132BCDSportsBolt Circle Diameter
133BCDTechnologyBone Cell Development
134BCDMedicalBone Conduction Device
135BCDOrthopaedicBone-Capsule Distance
136BCDAccountingBook Closer Date
137BCDUncategorizedBoolean Code Definition
138BCDTechnologyBoot Configuration Data
139BCDUncategorizedBoulder Country Day
140BCDUncategorizedBrad Chelsea and Danny
141BCDDevelopmentBranded Concept Development
142BCDUncategorizedBreathing Control Device
143BCDOncologyBrief Case-Find for Depression
144BCDMilitaryBrigade, Corps, and Division
145BCDUncategorizedBudget Corprate Discount
146BCDUncategorizedBudget Customer Discount
147BCDUncategorizedBuilding Codes Division
148BCDManufacturingBulk Cargo Door
149BCDScuba DivingBuoyancy Compensator Device
150BCDMilitaryBuoyancy Control Device
151BCDUncategorizedBuoyancy Control Devices
152BCDNuclearBurst Can Detection

RDO Full Form

Final Words:

So, friends, I hope you get what you want to know about BCD. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than BCD? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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