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BMC Full Form

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BMC Full Form

Dear Friends, do you want to know what is the full form of BMC is? If yes, then you are at the right place, because here you will not only get the all possible Full Form of BMC but also get detailed information about BMC.

Not only this, but you will also come to know the Meaning of BMC here.

In eFull Forms, you will get complete information about the acronym of BMC or abbreviation of BMC related to all terminology. So, let’s find out all possible BMC Full Form and it’s meanings here.

BMC Full Form

The term BMC has many full forms, but out of which most relevant BMC Full Form is –

BMC – Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

Also known as a Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM), is the governing civic body of Mumbai, India.

BMC, which came into existence in the year 1888, is not only the India’s but also the richest municipal corporation of Asia. BMC gets more than 37000 crores budget.

The amount that BMC receives as budget is more than 3 metros (Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata) and 7 cities (Hyderabad, Pune, Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Nagpur, Nashik, Patna). Even the total budget these 10 cities get, their sum is less than BMC budget.

BMC Mumbai Full Form

Full Form of BMC Mumbai is – Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

BMC Full Form in Medical

Full Form of BMC in Medical is – Bone Marrow Cells

The cell containing bone marrow are called as BMS. BMC is a soft, spongy material which fills the inner cavities of bones.

What Does BMC Stand For?

BMC stands for – Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

What is BMC Meaning

The term BMC can be used for many purposes, but the most relevant meaning of BMC is – Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation

All Full Forms of BMC

By now, you must have got some idea about the Full-Forms and meaning of BMC.

However, the list is not ending here, if you like to know similar full-forms of BMC, then this site contains various Full-Forms related to Government, Computing, Telecommunication, Medical, Space Science, Education, and various categorize like these.

Here is the complete Full-Form list of the term BMC.

Note: For your convenience, you can “Search” in this table what you want by typing in the search bar.

Sr. No.TermCategoryBMC Full Forms
2BMCBiologyB6 bone marrow cells
3BMCCollegeBachelor in Mass Communication
4BMCUniversityBachelor of Mass Communication
5BMCEducationBachelor of Mass Communication
6BMCUncategorizedBachelor of Mobile Computing
7BMCCollegeBachelors in Mass Communication
8BMCCourseBachelors of Mass Communication
9BMCPharmacologyBack Muscle Contractions
10BMCUncategorizedBackground Memory Controller
11BMCUncategorizedBackground Models Challenge
12BMCUncategorizedBacTech Mining Corporation
13BMCUncategorizedBacterial Micro Compartment
14BMCUncategorizedBacterial Micro-Compartment
15BMCScienceBacterial Microcompartment
16BMCUncategorizedBad Mothers Club
17BMCCompanyBadger Mining Corporation
18BMCUncategorizedBahamas Mortgage Corporation
19BMCMedicalBahan Makanan Campuran
20BMCUncategorizedBahrain Medical Center
21BMCBahrainBahrain Motorcycle Club
22BMCUncategorizedBailey Mountain Cloggers
23BMCStainlessBain Marie Cover
24BMCUncategorizedBaja Mining Corp
25BMCUncategorizedBalanced Music Concept
26BMCAudioBalanced Music Concept
27BMCRehabilitationBalans Multi-Chair
28BMCJazzBalcony Music Club
29BMCTechnologyBallistic Missile Center
30BMCTechnologyBallistic Missile Committee
31BMCMedicalBalloon mitral commissurotomy
34BMCUncategorizedBaltic Marine Contractors
35BMCScienceBaltic Marine Cooperation
36BMCAfghanistanBaltic Media Centre
37BMCCouncilBaltimore Metropolitan Council
38BMCPlanningBaltimore Metropolitan Council
39BMCUncategorizedBaltimore Music Conference
40BMCUncategorizedBanda Musical Chile
41BMCMalaysiaBandar Mahkota Cheras
42BMCUncategorizedBandar Makhota Cheras
43BMCUncategorizedBandi Mukti Committee
44BMCBandungBandoengsche Melk Centrale
45BMCMedicineBandung Medical Centre
46BMCUncategorizedBandwidth Management Center
47BMCUncategorizedBandwidth Management Control
48BMCMedicineBangalore Medical College
49BMCAdventureBangalore Mountaineering Club
50BMCUncategorizedBangalore Municipal Corporation
51BMCMedicalBangalore Pharmaceutical
52BMCLocalBangaluru Municipal Corporation
53BMCUncategorizedBangkok Medical Center
54BMCBankingBankrupt Motor Carrier
55BMCMedicineBaptist Medical Center
56BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBarrie Molson Centre
57BMCUncategorizedBarry Martin Car
58BMCMolecular BiologyBasal Membrane Complex
59BMCInformation TechnologyBase Manufacture Cost
60BMCStock MarketBase Minimum Capital
61BMCInformation TechnologyBaseboard Management Controller
62BMCTechnologyBaseboard Management Controller
63BMCMedicalBasement membrane components
64BMCManufacturingBasic Manufacturing Cost
65BMCNormal BusinessBasic Minimum Capital
66BMCArmyBattle Management Cell
67BMCMilitaryBattle Management Center
68BMCRadiologyBayesian Monte Carlo
69BMCHospitalBaystate Medical Center
70BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBeast Mode Company
71BMCUncategorizedBeaver Movie Channel
72BMCMedicalBenchmark Concentration
73BMCMemorialsBend Memorial Clinic
74BMCMedicalBenghazi Medical Center
75BMCEducationBerkshire Medical Center
76BMCMedicalBerkshire Pharmaceutical
77BMCFinish CodeBermuda Coral
78BMCSoccerBest Men’s Coach
79BMCMarketingBeverage Marketing Corporation
80BMCIndiaBharatha Makkal Congress
81BMCLocalBible Missionary Church
82BMCChurchBible Missionary Church
83BMCPharmaceuticalBicol Pharmaceutical
84BMCNeurologyBicuculline Methochloride
85BMCManufacturingBicycle Manufacturing Company
86BMCDentistryBifid Mandibular Condyle
87BMCFunnyBig Mike’s Choppers
88BMCUncategorizedBig Money Come
89BMCUncategorizedBig Money Coming
91BMCManufacturingBike Manufacturing Company
92BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBinghamton Manufacturing Corporation
94BMCMedicalBioMed Central
95BMCMedicalBiomedical Chromatography
96BMCChemistryBiopartitioning Micellar Chromatography
97BMCArmyBlack Marine Corps
98BMCInternetBlack Market Computers
99BMCHobbyBlack Mustang Club
100BMCLocal – CountriesBleed Monitoring Computer
101BMCUncategorizedBlock Modulus Coding
102BMCComputingBlock Motion Compensation
103BMCMedicalBlood Mononuclear Cells
104BMCBusinessBloomberg Market Concepts
105BMCInformation TechnologyBloons Monkey City
106BMCPlayBloons Monkey City
107BMCEducationalBlue Mountain College
108BMCNYSE SymbolsBMC Software, Inc.
109BMCNavyBoatswain’s Mate Chief Petty Officer
110BMCNavyBoatswain’s Mate Chief Petty Officer
111BMCUncategorizedBody Mind Centering
112BMCMovementBody Mind Centering
113BMCHomeland SecurityBomb Management Center
114BMCMumbaiBombay Municipal Corporation
115BMCMedicalBone Marrow Cell
116BMCMedicalBone Marrow Cells
117BMCMedicalBone Marrow Chimeras
118BMCUncategorizedBone Marrow Concentrate
119BMCMedicalBone Marrow Concentrate
120BMCCardiologyBone Marrow mononuclear Cells
121BMCCardiologyBone Marrow stem Cells
122BMCMedicalBone marrow stromal cells
123BMCCardiologyBone Marrow-derived Cells
124BMCCardiologyBone Marrow-derived mononuclear Cells
125BMCPharmaceuticalBone Mineral Content
126BMCMedicalBone Mineral Content
127BMCBookBook of the Month Club
128BMCUncategorizedBorkum Match Coal
129BMCUncategorizedBoss Mans Cars
130BMCMedicalBoston Medical Center
131BMCPharmaceuticalBoston Pharmaceutical
132BMCEnvironmental HealthBotswana Meat Commission
133BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBoulett, Moores, Cloer software company
134BMCVerificationBounded Model Checking
135BMCProductsBox Maker Certficate
136BMCCertifications & DiplomasBox Maker Certificate
137BMCPulp And PaperBox Manufacturer Certificate
138BMCCouncilBrake Manufacturers Council
139BMCProductsBrake Master Cylinder
140BMCMilitaryBranch Medical Clinic
141BMCPharmaceuticalBranch Pharmaceutical
142BMCLocalBrethren Mennonite Council
143BMCChurchBrethren Mennonite Council
144BMCUncategorizedBrian M Clapper
145BMCAirportBrigham City Airport
146BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBrihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
147BMCSanitationBrihanmumbai Municipal Corporation
148BMCUncategorizedBring Much Cash
149BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBritish Motor Corporation
150BMCAthleticsBritish Mountaineering Council
151BMCSportBritish Mountaineering Council
152BMCNavigationBritish Moutaineering Council
153BMCCoinBritish Museum Catalogue
154BMCMuseumsBritish Museum Collection
155BMCMilitaryBroadcast Management Center
156BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBroken Motorcycle Company
157BMCCommunityBrooklyn Movement Center
158BMCStudentBrown Mackie College
159BMCEducationalBryn Mawr College
160BMCEducationBryn Mawr College
161BMCEducationalBubble Memory Controller
162BMCElectronicsBubble Memory Controller
163BMCOncologyBuccal Mucosa Cells
164BMCUncategorizedBud Miller Coors
165BMCMedicalBugando Medical Centre
166BMCLocalBuild My Church
167BMCChurchBuild My Church
168BMCConsultingBuilding Management Consulting
169BMCServiceBuilding Materials and Construction
170BMCUS GovernmentBulk Mail Center
171BMCBusinessBulk Mail Center
172BMCAgricultureBulk Milk Cooler
173BMCUncategorizedBulk Molding Classes
174BMCPlasticsBulk Molding Compound
175BMCUncategorizedBulk Moulding Compound
176BMCCompoundBulk Moulding Compound
177BMCChemistryBulk-Molding Compound
178BMCPlasticsBulk-molding Compound
179BMCPharmaceuticalBurlington Pharmaceutical
180BMCBusinessBusiness Machines Consultants
181BMCUncategorizedBusiness Machines Corp
182BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBusiness Management Company
183BMCCompanies or OrganizationsBusiness Management Consultants
184BMCNormal BusinessBusiness Membership Center
185BMCBusinessBusiness Model Canvas
186BMCBusinessBusiness Model Canvas
187BMCArmyChief Boatswain’s Mate

Final Words:

So, friends, I hope you get what you want to know about BMC. If you want more information about BMC, please let me know through comments, or you can write me an email.

Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than BMC? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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