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CBT Full Form

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CBT Full Form: What Does CBT Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of CBT is? Then, here you will come to know what Does CBT stand for? Also all possible Full Form of CBT.

CBT Full Form

The term CBT has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

CBT Full Form is – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy) is one of the most common and researched forms of psychotherapy. CBT includes two types of therapy: cognitive therapy and behavioral therapy. The treatment of CBT used is depends on the patient’s problem, disease or disorder.

The basic principle of treatment is always the same: What we think about, how we feel and behave is directly related to each other. These factors have a decisive influence on our health. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a high-level strategy. The idea is to work through current problems and find solutions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is used to treat anxiety, depression, addictions and compulsive disorders. It can also be used for physical disorders such as tinnitus, chronic pain, and rheumatism. This method helps to better deal with discomfort.

What Does CBT Stand For?

CBT stands for – Computer-Based Training

Computer -Based Training is the transfer of skills and knowledge through a computer and / or the Internet. Computer-assisted teaching methods include: teaching using a personal computer, virtual classrooms, Internet – teaching. Educational information is delivered to the student via the Internet, Intranet, audio or video recordings, satellite TV, CD-ROMs. These courses can be tailor-made or taught by an instructor online. CBT include information in the form of text, images, animation, or streaming video. Computer training combines all existing teaching methods based on electronic means of communication. Information and communication systems, networked and non-networked, serve as intermediaries in providing the learning process. Abbreviations such as WBT (Web-Based Training), IBT (Internet-Based Training), E-learning (e-learning) are used synonymously for the term Computer-Based Training.

The worldwide computer learning industry is conservatively estimated at more than $ 48 million. Advances in the Internet and multimedia technologies have become the basis for the development of computer learning. The core services for the computer learning industry are consulting services, delivery of educational content, technologies for training, services and support.

In 2006, 3.5 million students in the United States participated in interactive learning. According to the Sloan Foundation, between 2005 and 2010, online enrollment in the United States increased by an average of 12-14 percent per year. By comparison, the average growth in Internet registrations in developed countries is now about 2 percent per year. In 2009, Ambient Insight Research reported that 44 percent of refresher students in the United States purchased part-time or full-time training courses online. By 2014, this figure is projected to grow to 81 percent of students. Thus, computer learning is rapidly becoming the dominant form of continuing education in the world.

All Full Forms of CBT

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term CBT.

Sr. No.TermCategoryCBT Full Form
1CBTNYSE SymbolsCabot Corporation
2CBTMilitaryCadet Basic Training
3CBTMedicalCaffeine Breath Test
4CBTEndocrine SystemCalculated Bioavailable Testosterone
5CBTBiologyCancer Biology and Therapy
6CBTPharmaceuticalCanine Behavior Therapy
8CBTPharmaceuticalCarotid Body Tumor
9CBTPolice ForceCase Building Team
10CBTStock ExchangeCash Before Trade
11CBTAirport CodeCatumbela Airport
12CBTHematologyCB Transplantation
13CBTPharmaceuticalCenter for Biological Timing
14CBTPharmaceuticalCenter for Biomolecular Therapeutics
15CBTBusinessCentral Bidding Team
16CBTCriminalCentral Breath Testing
17CBTAcademic & ScienceCertified Broadcast Technologist
18CBTInformation TechnologyChange Block Tracking
19CBTFunnyCharlie Big Time
20CBTCultivationCherry Blossom Tree
21CBTFunnyChewed By Tyson
22CBTUncategorizedChicago Board of Trade
23CBTPharmaceuticalChildhood Brain Tumor
24CBTPharmaceuticalChronic Biscuit Toxicity
25CBTLocalChurch-Based Training
26CBTUncategorizedCivilian Bike Training
27CBTEducationalClean Ballast Tanks
28CBTUncategorizedClosed Beta Test
29CBTMedicalClosed Bottle Test
30CBTPornCock & Balls Torture
31CBTMusicCock and Ball Torture
34CBTPharmaceuticalCode Blue Team
35CBTPharmaceuticalCognitive Behavior Therapy
36CBTLocal – CountriesCognitive Behaviour Therapy
37CBTMedicalCognitive Bias Task
38CBTPharmaceuticalCognitive Bias Test
39CBTPharmaceuticalCognitive Blank Therapy
40CBTMedicalCognitive-behavioural Therapy
41CBTEducationalCollege Board Test
43CBTArmyCombating Terrorism
44CBTUncategorizedComet Ball Traitor
45CBTUncategorizedComing Back Together
46CBTBibleCommittee on Bible Translation
47CBTArmyCommon Battery Terminal
48CBTSafetyCompetency Based Training
49CBTUncategorizedCompletely Brilliant Tango
50CBTJuridicalCompulsory Basic Testing/UK
51CBTArmyCompulsory Basic Training
52CBTEducationalCompulsory Bike Training
53CBTComputingComputer Based Technet
54CBTInformation TechnologyComputer Based Technology
55CBTComputingComputer Based Test
56CBTEngineeringComputer Based Training
57CBTComputingComputer Based Tutorial
58CBTBankingComputer-Based Terminal
59CBTEducationalComputer-Based Test
60CBTAcademic & ScienceComputer-Based Testing
61CBTEducationalComputer-Based Training
62CBTInformation TechnologyComputer-Based Training file
63CBTPolice ForceConspiracy Brain Trust
64CBTUncategorizedConspiracy Bust Trust
65CBTInformation TechnologyConstant Beamwidth Technology
66CBTUncategorizedConsumed Bottom Time
67CBTLocalContinuously Being Thankful
68CBTPharmaceuticalCord Blood Transplant
69CBTMedicalCord Blood Transplantation
70CBTUncategorizedCore Based Trees
71CBTPharmaceuticalCore Body Temperature
72CBTInformation TechnologyCore-Based Tree
73CBTTaxCorporation Business Tax
74CBTEducationalCorrected Brake Torque
75CBTNeurosurgeryCortical Bone Trajectory
76CBTTransportationCounter Balance Truck
77CBTJuridicalCriminal Breach of Trust
78CBTAthleticsCubs’ Business Trade
79CBTNormal BusinessCustomer Based Training
80CBTEducationalCyclic Butylene Terephthalate
81CBTUncategorizedCynical Bitter And Twisted
82CBTBankingSociety Bank and Trust
83CBTSocietySociety Based Tourism

DIN Full Form

Final Words:

So, friends, I hope you get what you want to know about CBT. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than CBT? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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