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CCA Full Form

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CCA Full Form: What Does CCA Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of CCA is? Then, here you will come to know what Does CCA stand for? Also all possible Full Form of CCA.

CCA Full Form

The term CCA has many full forms, but out of which most relevant

CCA Full Form is – City Compensatory Allowance

City Compensation Allowance (CCA) is another stipend that workers get. It is given to meet everyday costs in metro or any significant city.

It is mandatory for companies to retain their employees in the current competitive landscape. High pay is the biggest reason behind the employee switching job. Maintaining a certain standard of living in a metropolitan city is not easy and raises a person’s salary to a great extent. Consequently, it gets vital for the business to guarantee that the worker is appropriately paid compensation. This is likewise the explanation for giving different sorts of remittances to the worker notwithstanding the fundamental compensation. One of the recompenses given to a representative working/living in a Tier-I city like Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Bangalore  and so on is the City Allowance or CCA.

Now and again, CCA can also offered for representatives working in Tier-2 urban cities. City Compensatory Allowance is offered at the watchfulness of the business. The CCA is determined by the compensation scale and grade of a representative and not as per the base compensation. Thus it varies between cities. For example, an employee working in Mumbai will receive more CCA than someone working in Delhi.

CCA Full Form

Certificate in Computer Application

What Does CCA Stands For?

CCA stands for – City Compensatory Allowance

All Full Forms of CCA

Now, below is the list of All Full Form of CCA in various category

Sr. No.TermCategoryCCA Full Form
1CCAMedia CenterCable Communications Association
2CCAPharmaceuticalCalcium Channel Antagonist
3CCAAssociationsCalifornia Chiropractic Association
4CCAEducationalCalifornia College of Ayurveda
5CCAEducationalCalifornia College of the Arts
6CCALocalCalvary Christian Academy
7CCAHobbyCanaan Club of America
8CCAAthleticsCanadian Canoe Association
9CCAVoluntary OrganizationCanadian Centre for Architecture
10CCAConstructionCanadian Construction Association
11CCAStock ExchangeCanadian Corporation Assets
12CCAEducationalCanadian Council of Archives
13CCAAcademic & ScienceCanyon Crest Academy
14CCAAccountingCapital Cost Allowance
15CCAUncategorizedCapital Cost Allowances
16CCAAccountingCapital Cost Annuity
17CCACareerCareer College Association
18CCAArmyCarrier-Controlled Approach
19CCAVoluntary OrganizationCatholic Charities Agencies
20CCACultivationCauliflower Cropping Action
21CCAInformation Technologycc: Mail Data
22CCAUS GovernmentCenelec Certification Agreement
23CCACompanies or OrganizationsCentaur Casting Agency
24CCAArmyCENTCOM Combat Analysis
25CCAComputingCenter for Computational Aesthetics
26CCAArtCenter for Contemporary Arts
27CCAArtCenter for Creative Arts
28CCAAssociationsCentral City Association
29CCAArmyCentral Collection Activity
30CCAAgenciesCentral Collection Agency
31CCAArmyCentral Contracting Authority
32CCAMedia CenterCentre for Contemporary Arts
33CCAOccupation & PositionsCertified Citrix Administrator
34CCAOccupation & PositionsCertified Coding Associate
35CCAOccupation & PositionsCertified Crime Analyst
36CCAOccupation & PositionsCertified Crop Adviser
37CCACertifications & DiplomasCertified Crop Advisers
38CCAAccountingCertifying Acceptance Agent
39CCAPharmaceuticalcervical cancer
40CCAUncategorizedChampion Cheer All
41CCAVoluntary OrganizationCharter Captain Association
42CCAAccountingChartered Certified Accountants
43CCACompanies or OrganizationsCheck Cashing Association
44CCAChessChess Coaches Association
45CCAPharmaceuticalChibi Cheetah Angels
46CCAAwards & MedalsChief Commissioner Award
47CCAUncategorizedChief Counsel Advice
48CCALocal StatesChild Care Assistance
49CCAOccupation & PositionsChild Care Assistant
50CCAPharmaceuticalChildren’s Cancer Association
51CCAVoluntary OrganizationChildren’s Charities of America
52CCASocietyChinese Civilization Association
53CCAInformation TechnologyChosen Ciphertext Attack
54CCALocalChristian Coalition of America
55CCALocalChristian Society Action
56CCAEducationalChromated Copper Arsenate
57CCAUncategorizedChrome Copper and Arsenic
58CCAArmyCircuit Card Assembly
59CCAPharmaceuticalCircumflex Coronary Artery
60CCAInformation TechnologyCitrix Certified Administrator
61CCAUncategorizedCity Compensatory Allowance
62CCAPharmaceuticalCivil Contingencies Act 2004
63CCAPharmaceuticalClear Cell Acanthoma
64CCAPharmaceuticalClear Cell Adenocarcinoma
65CCAUS GovernmentClinger-Cohen Act
66CCAUncategorizedClinica Chimica Acta
67CCAAthleticsClogging Champions of America
68CCAAlliancesCloud Communications Alliance
69CCATransportationClub Coach Award
70CCAEducationalCo Curricular Activities
71CCASocietyCoastal Conversation Association
72CCAEducationalCo-Curricular Activity
73CCAEducationalCo-Curriculum Activities
74CCAToronto Stock ExchangeCogeco Communications Incorporated
75CCAUnit MeasuresCold Cranking Amperes
76CCAHobbyCollie Club of America
77CCAEducationalColombian College of Archivists
78CCAContractorsColorado Contractors Association
79CCAFilm CensorshipComics Code Authority
80CCAAccountingCommercial Capital Access
81CCACompanies or OrganizationsCommercial Collection Agency
82CCATransportationCommon Cabin Air
83CCAAthleticsCommon Canadian Athletes
84CCAPharmaceuticalCommon Carotid Artery
85CCAAlliancesCommonwealth Care Alliance
86CCANASA – SpaceCommunications Carrier Assembly
87CCACompanies or OrganizationsCommunications Council of America Inc
88CCAAssociationsCompetitive Carriers Association
89CCAUncategorizedComponent Cost Analysis
90CCAUncategorizedComprehensive Course Assessment
91CCAInformation TechnologyComputer Club Across
92CCAMedia CenterConcerned Children’s Advertisers
93CCASocietyConcerned Citizens Association
94CCASocietyConfidential Certified Appraisals
95CCAConstructionConstruction Careers Academy
96CCAConstructionConstruction Consulting Associates
97CCAArmyContainer Control Activity
98CCAArmyContamination Control Area
99CCAArmyContingency Capabilities Assessment
100CCANASA – SpaceContract Change Authorization
101CCAArmyContract Construction Agent
102CCAPharmaceuticalConventional Coronary Angiography
103CCANASA – SpaceCoolant Control Assembly
104CCAAssociationsCooperative Communicators Association
105CCAEducationalCooperative Content Acceleration
106CCAAssociationsCopy Control Association
107CCALocalCornerstone Christian Academy
108CCAVoluntary OrganizationSociety Action Agency
109CCASocietySociety Choice Aggregator
110CCAEducationalSociety College Association
111CCAEducationalSociety College of Aurora
112CCAEnvironmentalSociety Conserved Area
113CCAJuridicalSociety Corrections Act
114CCAJuridicalCorporate Child Abuse
115CCAOccupation & PositionsCorporate Construction Associate
116CCACouncilCorporate Council on Africa
117CCAUncategorizedCorporate Counseling Associates
118CCAArmyCorrect Counter Attack
119CCAMedicalCorrected Calcium
120CCACompanies or OrganizationsCorrectional Corporation of America
121CCACompanies or OrganizationsCorrections Corp Of America
122CCAJuridicalCorrections Corporation of America
123CCAPharmaceuticalcorticocerebellar atrophy
124CCACompanies or OrganizationsCost Control Associates
125CCAPharmaceuticalCost-Consequence Analysis
126CCAJuridicalCourt of Criminal Appeal
127CCAEducationalCranky Campus Aid
128CCAAccountingCredit Card Action
129CCAOccupation & PositionsCritical Care Associate
130CCASocietyCross Cultural Awareness
131CCAPharmaceuticalCrossed Cerebellar Atrophy
132CCAAthleticsCruising Club of America
133CCAPharmaceuticalCurrent Cost Accounting
134CCAClubsCushman Club of America

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about CCA. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than CCA? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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