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Friday, February 28, 2025

DPT Full Form

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DPT Full Form: What Does DPT Stand For?

Do you want to know what is full form of DPT is? Then, here you will come to know what Does DPT stand for? Also all possible Full Form of DPT.

DPT Full Form

The term DPT has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

DPT Full Form is – Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus

Tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough are severe diseases. The DPT is vaccine can protect against these diseases.

Vaccination against whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and polio begins in 3 months. The National Calendar has been introduced to protect against these infections in 1953, and against tetanus since 1966. The following vaccines are used for vaccination:

Whooping cough is an infectious disease characterized by a specific boutique spasmodic cough. Airborne droplets transmit it, and the main feature of the disease is the complete absence of congenital immunity. Even though whooping cough in the vast majority of cases, children get sick, the disease can occur in adults.

Diphtheria is also an infectious disease that affects the oropharynx area. It can spread to bronchi, skin, larynx, etc., transmitted disease by airborne droplets, as well as contact and household by contact and household under certain temperature conditions. The severity and severity of this disease are caused by a toxin that secretes diphtheria stick. It can affect the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, kidneys and poses a real threat to health.

Tetanus is a disease caused by a toxic bacterium, tetanus. The frequency of death in this disease is very high, especially in children and the elderly. Even a small scratch on the skin may be enough to develop the disease. Muscle spasms characterize it up to full stiffness, cramps.

These dangerous diseases posed a real threat to life before the advent of vaccines. They mainly affect children, but the vaccination schedule includes vaccination and adult vaccination. This should be done every 10 years in adulthood, but this issue can be solved individually, taking into account the patient’s health and the therapist’s opinion. Multi-component vaccination allows the prevention of three infections in children and adults.

DPT Vaccine Full Form

DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis) Vaccine

DPT Full Form in Medical

Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus Immunization

What Does DPT Stand For?

DPT stands for – Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus

What Does DPT Stand For in Medical Term?

In Medical Term DPT stands for – DTP (Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus) Vaccine

What Does DPT Stand For in Physical Therapy?

In Physical Therapy DPT Stand For – Doctorate of Physical Therapy

LCM Full Form

What is Full Forms of DPT

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term DPT.

Sr. No.TermCategoryDPT Full Form
1DPTMedicalDays Past Transfer
2DPTMedicalDays Per Thousand
3DPTParasitologyDays Post-Treatment
5DPTUncategorizedDead pixel tester
6DPTExplorationDecadel Planning Team
9DPTOilfieldDeep Propagation Tool
10DPTOilDeeper Pool Test
11DPTArmyDefensive Petroleum Transfer
12DPTUncategorizedDefensive Playing Time
13DPTPharmaceuticalDegree in Physical Therapy
14DPTLocal StatesDemand for Public Transport
16DPTDentistryDental Panoramic Tomogram
17DPTPharmaceuticalDental Panoramic Tomography
18DPTUncategorizedDepartment of Parking and Traffic
19DPTEducationalDepartment of Particle Theory
20DPTPharmaceuticalDepartment of Physical Therapy
21DPTArmyDeployable Proficiency Trainer
22DPTSpace TechnologyDesign Proof Test
23DPTUncategorizedDesign Pure Traction
24DPTStructuralDew Point Temperature
25DPTMedicalDiabetes Prevention Trial
26DPTInformation TechnologyDial Pulse Terminate
27DPTMechanicsDifferential Pressure Transmitter
28DPTChemistryDiffuse Phase Transition
29DPTOccupational MedicineDiffuse Pleural Thickening
30DPTCommunicationDigital Proprietary Telephone
31DPTUncategorizedDigital Pulse Termination
34DPTUncategorizedDiphtheria Pertussis and Tetanus
35DPTMedicalDiphtheria Pertussis Tetanus
36DPTPharmaceuticalDiphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus
37DPTMedicalDiphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
38DPTPharmaceuticaldiphtheria, pertussis, tetanus vaccine
41DPTDentistryDiptheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
42DPTChemistryDirect Perturbation Theory
43DPTMilitaryDirector of Plans and Training
44DPTOccupation & PositionsDirector, President, Treasurer
45DPTArmyDirectorate of Plans and Training
46DPTInformation TechnologyDirty Page Table
47DPTLingerieDirty Pretty Things
48DPTUncategorizedDistance Per Tile
49DPTPharmaceuticalDistrict Planning Team
50DPTFunnyDivinely Professional Therapist
51DPTUncategorizedDivision of Pharmacologic Therapies
52DPTDegreeDoctor of Physical Therapy
53DPTEducationalDoctor of Practical Theology
54DPTPharmaceuticalDoctorate in Physical Therapy
55DPTPharmaceuticalDoctors of Physical Therapy
56DPTBaseballDouble Plays Turned
57DPTInternational BusinessDouble Protective Treatment
58DPTUncategorizedDrill Powered Through
59DPTMedicalDrug Provocation Testing
60DPTOtolaryngologyDuration Pattern Test
61DPTEducationalDye Penetrant Testing
62DPTTechnologyDynamic Packet Transport

Final Words:

I hope you get what you want to know about DPT. If you want to know the full forms of other term, then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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