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Friday, February 28, 2025

MOA Full Form

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MOA Full Form: What Does MOA Stand For?

Dear Friends, do you want

to know what is full form of MOA is? If yes, then you are at the right place, because here you will not only get the all possible Full Form of MOA but also get detailed information about MOA. Not only this, you will also come to know what Does MOA stand for?

MOA Full Form

The term MOA has many full forms, but out of which most relevant full form is-

MOA Full Form is – Memorandum of Association

MOA (Memorandum of Association) is a formal document that defines the details of the existence of a company. It must be signed by the first subscribers to its shares (subscribers) and contain the following information (insofar as it relates to a particular company): the name of the company; a statement that the company is a public company; the address of its registered office; the goals of the company, the so-called objects clause; limited liability statement; scope of guarantees; the amount of authorized share capital and its distribution.

The Memorandum of Association (MOA) is the highest public document that contains all the information that a company requires at the time of registration.

MOA is usually a non-binding contract, which states that the intent of the parties or businesses is used to work together.

What Does MOA Stand For?

MOA stands for – Memorandum of Agreement

MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) is a written record of an agreement between two parties to work together on a specific project. Also known as a collaborative agreement, MoA helps two organizations work together to reach an agreed objective. It’s actually a written agreement of understanding between two parties that individuals, authorities, agencies, or communities can utilize as a convenient heritage project tool.

Another purpose of the MOA is dispute resolution, where it clearly defines the dispute and the method for resolving the conflict and drafts an agreement that will entail the parties involved to work together or separate to resolve the dispute. The MOA is also helpful in corporate partnerships as it defines the terms and conditions of each partner, terms of reference, and benefits.

DBS Full Form

All Full Forms of MOA

Now, here is the complete Full-Form list of the term MOA.

Sr. No.TermCategoryMOA Full Form
1MOAVoluntary OrganizationArmy Officers Association
2MOAArmyArmy Operating Area
3MOAArmyArmy Operational Area
5MOAInformation TechnologyMacromedia Open Architecture
6MOABeautyMagic Organic Apothecary
8MOAOpticsMagneto-Optical Activity
9MOAEducationalMagnum Object Algebra
10MOAConnectionMaharashtra Orthopaedic Association
11MOATechnologyMaintenance Organisation Approval
12MOANormal BusinessMajor Outcome Activity
13MOANASA – SpaceMake On Arrival
14MOASocietyMake Out Alley
15MOAUncategorizedMaking of America
16MOAUncategorizedMall of America
17MOAAsiaMall of Asia
18MOAArmyMan Of Action
19MOAAssociationsManitoba Osteopathic Association
20MOAAcademic & ScienceMarine and Oceanographic Academy
21MOAMarsMars Organic Analyzer
22MOAMedicalMassachusetts Orthopaedic Association
23MOAUncategorizedMassive Online Analysis
24MOAMilitaryMaster of Operational Art
25MOAHardwareMaster Overclocking Arena
26MOAArmyMasters Of Annihilation
27MOATechnologyMatrix Output Amplifier
28MOAFunnyMaybe On the Animal
29MOARAFMeals Out Allowance
30MOANFL TeamsMean, Offensive, Angry
31MOAEducationalMeans of Access
34MOAEducationalMeasurement Of Angle
35MOAMedicalMechanism Of Action
36MOAOccupationMedical Office Administrator
37MOAAgreementMemoranda of Agreement
38MOAUncategorizedMemorandum a of Agreement
39MOATechnologyMemorandum Of Agreement
40MOANormal BusinessMemorandum Of Association
41MOAInformation TechnologyMercenaries Of the Alliance
42MOAPharmaceuticalMethod Of Administration
43MOAEducationalMethod of Anlaysis
44MOAEducationalMethod Of Approach
45MOAElementMethods of Administration
46MOAPharmaceuticalMichigan Optometric Association
47MOAArmyMight Of Arms
48MOANeurologyMigraine Without Aura
49MOAMilitaryMilitary Operating Area
50MOAAreaMilitary Operations Areas
51MOAMinistryMinister of Agriculture
52MOAGovernmentalMinistry of AgriCivilization
53MOAOilMinistry Of Agriculture
54MOAMilitaryMinistry of Aviation
55MOAAssociationsMinnesota Optometric Association
56MOAShootingMinute Of Angle
57MOAUncategorizedMinute of Arc
58MOAUnit MeasuresMinutes Of Angle
59MOACosmosMirror Optical Axis
60MOANASA – SpaceMission Operations Area
61MOAUncategorizedMobile Offensive Armature
62MOAInformation TechnologyMobile Office Architects
63MOAFDA AdministrationMode Of Action
64MOAEducationalMode Of Attendance
65MOAEducationalModel Oriented Architecture
66MOAUnit MeasuresMonths Of Age
67MOAUncategorizedMosaic of Antarctica
68MOAInternet SlangMost Of All
69MOAFunnyMother Of All
70MOAVoluntary OrganizationMothers Of Asthmatics
71MOAUncategorizedMotor Oil Additive
72MOAUncategorizedMotor On Axle
73MOAHobbyMotorcycle Owners of America
74MOAInformation TechnologyMouse Over Abstract
75MOAAnthropologyMuseum of Anthropology
76MOAMuseumsMuseum of Art
77MOAMuseumsMuseum Of Outdoor Arts
78MOALocalMuslims Of America
79MOALocal – CountriesMuslims of the Americas
80MOAPsychiatryMutuality Of Autonomy
81MOAGamingMystery of the Abbey
82MOAAirport CodeOrestes Acosta Airport
83MOAOccupation & PositionsPharmaceutical

Final Words:

So, friends, I hope you get what you want to know about MOA. Do you want to know the full forms of the term other than MOA? Then please ask by comments or email. Your valuable comments are always welcome.

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